Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


The repairman arrived bright and early. They gave us a five- hour window to expect him in. I thought I could sleep in. Nope, he was punctual. I knew for sure he wasn't the cable guy. He always came five minutes before the end of the window. I laughed to myself thinking about how many hours I spent waiting on repairmen. Especially being a realtor.

"Ma'am, did you hear me?" the camera repairman asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry. You said there was a short in the system." I repeated to him.

"Yes. I fixed it. Now, I'm just going to go back through some of the footage and make sure it's been recording. You've had it for a couple of years and we want to make sure it's still doing the job." He explained to me.

"By all means." I told him, sipping on tea as I stood next to him.

I wasn't even really paying any attention to the footage until I happened to glance over and see what I thought was Kai kissing Vicki. That wouldn't have been so bad, except the date on that video was five months before Mikai had even brought up living the lifestyle to me. I slammed my cup of hot de-stress tea down and it sloshed all over me and the counter, burning my hand in the process. I didn't care though.

When I did that, the cameraman looked like a deer caught in headlights. He then grabbed the monitor and turned it around so that I couldn't see what was on it. I saw him glance at my stomach and he must not have wanted me to become any more upset than I was.

"Ma'am. Your hand. You may want to run it under cold water." He said, watching the steam come off of it.

"And you may want to turn that camera back around."

"Ma'am. I know it's none of my concern. But.."

"Thank you for trying to see to my hand. Did you say that the cameras were all working and ready to go?" I asked him through clenched teeth.

"I did, yes ma'am." He answered nervously.

"Thank you. I'll sign your papers and you can leave." I told him. Not wanting to see my wrath, that's just what we did.

I sat there and watched months of stolen moments between my husband and Vicki. And to do it where Asarae could see. How low could they go? She may be special needs, but she isn't stupid and she isn't invisible. The more I watched that, the more I realized, I had been set the hell up.

Thinking back to when he brought polygamy up to me, I remembered where I went first. To her. And she sounded just like him. They had the same points and everything. How could I have been so stupid? So, disconnected? They worked together to get me to agree. She wanted my life and he wanted his cake and to eat it too. I could have cried, but the rage in me was deep and spreading like a wildfire.

I called Mya and my sister and they came right over. I showed them the tapes. I didn't know what to do. I knew that I wanted to get the gun out of the locked safe and wait for them both to come home. Then blow them away one at a time. However, where would that leave Asa and the baby boy in my stomach? No, I needed perspective.

"I told you this was some bullshit." My sister said to me.

"She doesn't need an I told you so right now, Summer." Mya chimed in.

"Thank you, Mya. Though, maybe I do. I feel so stupid. It's like they laid the trap and I walked right into it. Cheese to a damn mouse." I said, tears running hot.

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