I should have known there was something going on when he didn't respond. He took the tongs and put my favorite, shrimp scampi, on the plate and then added a garlic knot. He did the same for himself and we walked into the dining room where candles were lit. I smiled as he sat my plate down in front of me and next to where he was sitting.

He then pulled my seat out for me. As I sat, he went back and grabbed his beer. Returning to join me. We held hands and he said grace. Thanking God for everything we had. And we had much to be thankful for. Even with a special needs child. She taught us patience and unconditional love. We also had the means to be sure she had all she needed medically and in any other way.

We ate in silence for a few moments. I could tell there was something off. I had the same feeling that I had been in the pit of my stomach for months now. I decided to test the waters.

"This taste so good baby. You spoil me." I told him.

"I'm glad you like it." he said with a serious face. I put my fork down and sat back in my chair. I put my legs across his and took a sip of wine. He put his fork down and began to rub my legs and feet.

"What is all of this?" I asked him.

"I wanted to spend time with you, alone."

"Yes. And you want to talk. We have known each other too long for half-truths. Please do not start now. I know there is something going on with you. Tell me what it is."

He looked at me and took a deep breath. "I think we want different things in this life."

I snatched my legs off of him and sat up. "Where is that coming from?" I asked him.

"Remember when we first got engaged?" he asked me.

"Yes. How could I forget. You proposed with a piece of twine and put it on my finger. We've come a long way since then." I said as I flashed my four carats that he had upgraded me to years ago.

"We wanted to have a house full of kids. You wanted to be here and raise them. A tribe we used to call it." he reminded me.

"We were kids ourselves back then. Those were dreams of naïve kids. That's what we were. Naïve." I reminded him.

"Yes. We were. But I meant it then and I still mean it now. It seems you are the one that has changed. I have given you everything that I promised you. Even though I made those promises as a young, naïve kid just starting out. Am I lying?" he asked.

The truth was, he was not lying. He had given me a good life. With everything he promised. I was the one going back on mine. I kept quiet. He knew that was me conceding to his words. So, he kept going.

"We have Asa. And I love her to death. You know that. But I want more children. And I want a wife to be at home. Taking care of me and them. I know that's not what you want any longer. You have made that clear. This real estate business fulfills you. And don't get me wrong, I love your independence. I really do. But I need a wife that is willing to live the life that you and I agreed on."

"So, I'm not allowed to grow and change my mind? Want something different?" I asked him. Tears forming in my eyes.

"Of course. It should go both ways though. Because what I want hasn't changed. That has to be allowed too. Especially if you are allowed to do the opposite. It's only fair." He explained.

"What is the bottom line here? Are you saying that you don't want me anymore because we have different goals now? I asked. Tears streaming down my face.

Enough Love For Me- Sister WivesWhere stories live. Discover now