18-Anger and revenge

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Gabrielle's P.o.v

I heard the front door slam causing the whole pack house to shake.Next thing a very angry Zane walks in I couldn't see it but I could tell his blood was boiling. He starts pacing and  shouting.
"I'm gonna tear them limb from limb!!
How dare they threaten me and my pack I am the  most powerful ruthless alpha the world has every seen and they still fucking threaten me!!!"

I look at him fearful and walk over slowly hugging him tight trying to soothe him to calm him down and it seems to almost work he looks down at my clinging to him and his eyes change from the blood red to they're soft brown he hugs me back.
"What happened" I speak quiet and calm trying to keep the situation down
"They killed one of the young recruits I mean your parents well not them exactly they're mutated army"
"What do you mean mutated"
"I don't know the gaurds said they were attacked by wolves but they were stronger faster bigger it was nothing like they've ever seen "
"Are they okay "
"Yes but we need to stop this now before anyone else dies and we're running out of time we only have 6 days left"
" I know I think I have a plan but you'll have to stick with me"
" of course anything".

After what I said next Zane looked even more angry as if I had never calmed him down.

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