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Please call us for more information.

Clarissa Williams

"Oh my gosh," I whispered to myself once I was done reading the entire email. Was it real? Or this was a dream.

"Hey, Shirley! Are you going to eat or not?" I heard Lola's voice irritated somewhere but it never caught my attention because I stuck with the letters in front of me. I felt her tap on my shoulder and spoke again like a child throwing her tantrums, "I'm freaking hungry, let's eat."

I looked at her with teary eyes. I hugged her tightly, closed to break her bones. "I can't believe it! I can't believe it!" I shouted and several pairs of eyes went in our direction. I jumped and cried at the same time.

"Hey, my bones," she broke my hug and held my shoulders. She furrowed her eyebrow, "What's happening? Spit it out calmly."

"Pinch me first here," I pointed my cheek. With confusion, she did what I had said. Her pinch hurt because of her long nails. I would have a wound later, but I did not care, "I'm not dreaming! Oh my gosh! This is real. Oh my gosh!" I sobbed.

"What are you talking about?" Lola asked with sort of anger in her tone.

"I don't know how to explain it to you," I pushed her to my chair, in front of my computer. Using my mouse, I put the screen at the top of the most important mail I received in my whole life. "You should read it. Read it."

After two minutes of silence, Lola had her popular big eyes expression. Different emotions showed on her face. Excitement. Happiness. Worry. Fear. That was her talent, showing all her emotions simultaneously.

"They gave you the job," she murmured audibly and repeated it again, now talking to me, "They gave you the job. That was oh my gosh."

"Yeah, it was crazy. I never expect that I'll have the job that fast. They badly need an accountant. I'm grateful to you for sharing this to me," I was not sure if I were crying, smiling, or both.

She smiled and held my cheek, "Thank me if you will be already in England and your family have a better life. But, I'm worried, what if the prince..."

I stopped her before she could continue, "No need to worry, Lola. If ever the prince put his finger on me, I'm going to break all his bones. I promise."

We laughed. I could not ask for another friend because I had my one and only best friend.

"Hey, have you called them?" she asked. Suddenly, I came back to reality.

"Not yet," I rushed to the nearest phone and dialled their number I had written on my palm.

I got nervous and excited at one go. I bit my lower lip while waited for the answer from the other line. Lola put her thumbs-up, giving me an assurance that I could do it.

After three rings, a British accent woman finally answered.

"Hello, this is..."

I did not let her say whatever she was saying. I interrupted her, "Hello, this is Shirley Woodman. I was emailed this morning about your acceptance to me being a personal accountant of Prince Alexander."

"Oh I see you are Ms. Woodman. I am Clarissa Williams," she paused, "As what we emailed to you, you're really qualified and we want you to work with us as soon as possible. You will be interviewed when you are already here in England."

I got nervous all of a sudden, "Interview? I thought you already choose me."

"Yes, the job is really yours. The interview is just for formality and we want to know more about you," she replied and continued, "Now, you called us and we assumed you confirmed of accepting this job, I'm going to email you again, this time, about the requirements you need to work in the palace."

Her Life with the Prince (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now