Wolf!Bakugo X Little Red Riding Hood! Reader

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We all must know how the story of Little Red Riding Hood. But this time, I put a bit of a lil spin on things~         Right know, your mother have you a task, in which telling you to deliver her basket of treats to your Grandmother. You hastily agreed, and you found yourself speeding on your way to Grandma's house.

"Ah, this is so great!" You chimed happily, skipping through the woods. Soon, all that skipping had caught up to you, you sat down on the ground, placing your rather small basket of treats next to you. Just after sitting down for a minute or two, there was a rustling noise in the bushes. "Is there something in those bushes? Whatever, I'm hungry! " You thought, pulling out a cookie from the basket, your munching sounds covered the noise.

 "Wahh, that hit the spot.." You mumbled in satisfaction, not noticing the tall shadow creeping over you. As soon as you no longer felt the sun hit your face, you opened your eyes. And to your horror, it was exactly what you feared the most.

The girl let out a shriek of terror, and scooted away from the large figure. As soon as you analyzed the specimens features, you realized it wasn't that scary. It was just a blonde-haired boy with wolf-like ears, a long but craggy tail, wearing a green jacket, the chains hanging around his neck were being wore like necklaces. "Get up, fucker." The blonde grabbed you by your arm, and yanked you onto your feet.

You casually dusted yourself off, before grabbing your basket off of the ground. "I'm sorry, but who are you? I don't think I know you." You told the blonde, very oblivious to the fact that he could devour you whole, this second. "Well no fucking shit, dumbass." The blonde replied, not bothering to say his name.

"Well, um, I'm Y/-" "Little Red from the village over there? Everyone in this pathetic town knows who you are." Katsuki interrupted, rolling his eyes. "What brought you here?" (You) Little Red asked intently, a bubbly smile formed on her lips.

 "Well, I was just casually strolling through the woods,and I thought I smelled something delicious. But as I came over here, I realized, it was NOT a treat, but a brat, renowned for that stupid red hood." Katsuki retorted, sending a scowl to Little Red. "Oh, well I have a few spare treats if you want them." Red spoke kindly, and dug through her baskets. "I don't need them. Besides, I've found a better snack to eat." Katsuki smirked, scooping you up in his arms, ready to eat you.

Suddenly, (You) Little Red pulled out a dagger made from her mirror shard, and stabbed it into Katsuki's knee. "Bitch, I hope the fúck you do try to eat me, you'll be a dead son of a bitch, I know that!" You kept a soft voice, and continued on your route. 

"A-argh! Damn it!" Katsuki watched you skip away, leaving him behind. He easily shook off the pain, and stood up. "She's probably headed to that house in the back.. I'll get her from there." He smirked, and ran as fast as the speed of light, making it to the house WAY before you were even close.

Katsuki busted open the door, only to be met with an empty bed, a small kitchen, and a closet. "How pathetic.. Her Grandmother is probably done waiting for her." He scanned the room, and his eyes made their way to the closet. "Bingo."

Little Red finally made it to the house, and busted down the door, "HEY GRANNY, I'M HERE!" As soon as Red glanced at the bed, she saw the same blonde from earlier, in her Grandmother's clothes. "Oh my, what fluffy hair you have!" Red said, plopping on Katsuki's lap, a quick blush spread across his cheeks. "Just kidding, I know you're the wolf boy." You laughed, hugging the blonde close. "What the hell? Let go!" Katsuki yelled whilst blushing, trying to pry the girl off.I

"I'm sorry that I hurt your knee." LITTLE RED stated bluntly, patting the Blondie. "Isn't this the part where the wood guy comes in, and kills you?" Red asked, resting against Katsuki. "Yep, but I already ate him." Bakugo shrugged, patting his stomach. "Gross." " Hey, at least we didn't get the bad ending." He retorted. "This shouldve been a lemon." Red said once more, closing her eyes. "Yep,our  Author keeps making fluffy shit."

The end of a trash oneshot.


"It's been over 2 months, yet no one realizes I'm gone. If i could just find a way to get out of the closet I locked myself in.. " Red Riot Hood (Kirishima) thought to himself, sitting under neath a pile of Granny clothes.

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