Chapter 6: Phone numbers

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Elliot's POV

The bell rings. Art is over.
Everyone's getting up and ready to go.
"Abebeb! The lesson is over when I say so!" Mr. Irving exclaims. The class groans and sits back down.
He's telling us something. I don't really listen.
"Okay, now you're ready to go!"
He says, after about 2 minutes.
"And remember, it must be finished in 2 weeks!"
What must be finished in 2 weeks? Fuck, I should've listened.
The class is storming out of the room.
If I caught that correctly, we have a 15-minute-break now.
I'm on my way through the hall.
"Hey, Elliot!" I hear someone call. Sounds like Leon. I stop walking, turn around and there he is standing.
"You wanna work together?"
"Uh.. On the project?"
Leon nods.
"Okay, when do you wanna meet then?"
I'm confused.
"Excuse me Leon, what exactly do we have to do for the 'project'?"
Now he looks confused too.
"You didn't listen?"
I shake my head and look down.
He pauses for a few seconds.
"A'right, gimme your phone."
What the hell is he on about?
"I wanna give you my number so I can text you the details later."
"O-oh yeah, sure."
I unlock my phone and give it to him.
He types something, probably his phone number.
Then he takes out his phone and saves my number into it.
"Kay, done."
He hands me my phone.
I nod and put it in my pocket.
"I have to go now y'know, hangin'," he says, already stepping back.
"O-okay," I say, turning around too.
He walks off.

My phone vibrates. I check what it is.
It's Darlene.
"Hey, u want 2 meet in the cafeteria?"
I text back.
"Good, I'll be w8ing"
Now I have to find the cafeteria.
Let's see how that goes.


Tyrell will be making an appearance sooner or later, I promise!

I'm also basing the school system in this fanfic after the one in my country, not the american one, if you were wondering about that.

Hope (Tyrelliot)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant