Chapter 21: White

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I wake up.
My vision is blurry.
The first thing I see is white.
Nothing specific, just the colour white.
As I open them wider I see a pattern on the ceiling.
It looks like squares lined up in a perfect order.
It looks like I'm in a hospital.
I look around.
I'm lying on a bed.
A nursery bed.
I try to sit up slowly. I realise that my body doesn't hurt at all, so I hurry up with that.
I look around.
It's a totally normal nursery.
There's a cactus on the nurses desk.
It's not green.
It's indigo blue.
I'm dreaming, aren't I?
That would explain why I haven't heard a noise yet.
Dead silence.

I get up.
I go outside.
The sliding sound of the door is the first thing I heard in this apperant dream.
More white.
Nothing else.
Except for me in my normal black hoodie.
I start to walk.

There's only me.
Maybe that is what this could mean?
I'm all on my own?
Huh, I never dreamed that I would start analyzing a dream that I'm still dreaming...


Did I really just hear that? Only one way to find out.

"Hello? Where are you?"

I can't make out if it's a male or a female voice, it sounds too airy.

"Elliot, can you hear me?"

"Yes I can, where are you?"


I start walking to where I think the voice is coming from.

"What's your name?"

"I'm here Elliot, and I'll wait forever if I have to!"

This isn't right... They aren't answering my questions...
I continue walking.

"How do you know my name?"

A third voice joins us:

"Elliot, you there?"

This is a dream.
I'm sleeping.
Could it be that...?

I wake up.
It's Darlene and Tyrell.
He has his hand next to my arm on the bedstead.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" Darlene says happily.
"Wh-what happened?"
She looks over to Tyrell.

We talked in the cafeteria and you fainted, are you okay?"
Oh yeah...
I remember almost everything now.
At least I think it's almost everything.
"Y-yeah I am..."
They exhale in relief.
"Wh-who of you said they'd wait forever for me to wake up?"
"What do you mean?"
"I had a dream where somebody shouted my name and that they'd wait, was that one of you guys?"
They look at each other.
"I don't remember saying that.." Darlene says, sounding a little confused.
"M-me neither..." Tyrell answers, stuttering a bit.
"H-huh, okay..."
The school nurse enters the room.
"Oh hey, you're awake! Hi Tyrell and Darlene!"
She waves at us. Tyrell and Darlene wave back.
"Sup, doc?"
"Oh, nothing really. I got to convince your teacher to let you 2 go earlier, if you'd like to!"
She pointed at me and one of the two others. I couldn't make out who she meant as the second person.
"Oh uh, I'm his sister, so I think I should come too, if that's okay."
"Okay, I think I can arrange that!"
the nurse says as she leaves us alone again.

It's quiet again.
I don't know what to say.
Tyrell's hand shifts.

Wait, what is he doing?

He's aiming for my hand...

I pull away before he could grab it.

So does he.

"It's okay.."
I think I'm blushing.
Shit, if Darlene see's this she'll think we're "a thing".
Otherwise, I already told her about this....

The nurse is back with Darlene's backpack and jacket. Tyrell already brought his own and mine is here too, but I don't know who put it there. Could've been either one of them.

" You're all allowed to leave now, if you'd like!"
"Thank you!"
Darlene and Tyrell help me to get back on my feet.
Then Tyrell takes his bag and offers to carry mine, which I deny politely.
Darlene carries mine instead.

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