Chapter 11: Tyrell

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Aka. The chapter y'all have been waiting for.


Elliot's POV

Good morning.
It's another day of school. Ugh.

I'm not going to bore you with my morning routine.
Talk to you later in school.

I'm on time today.
Something is...

I can't tell what it is, but I feel...
Like someone's following me..

"Yo, Elliot!"

I scare and turn around.

It's Leon. Thank god it's nobody else.

"How you doin'?"

"U-um... Okay, I guess."

"That's good to hear!"

I nod. I hate these types of conversations.
They usually go nowhere.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask about the project again. Do you have time
after school?"


"Okay, Imma pick you up then!"

"Okay", I say, rushing to my seat.

Strangely, my paranoia isn't gone. Someone is watching me. Or something bad is going to happen really soon.
I look around. Even for being the new kid, surprisingly little people are looking at me.
While I look around, I see Shayla on her phone with her earbuds in.
She doesn't seem bothered at all.
I wish I was this calm in a room full of people I don't know at all.

Mr. Goddard walks in. He's our maths- and physics teacher.
According to Leon all the girls
love him for being 'so adorable'.


I like him. He seems humble.
I don't find him 'adorable' though.

" Alright class, get your books out
and go to page 364!"

The class and I do as he commands.

All of a sudden, the classroom door swings open.

I can't believe my eyes. Is that really...?

"Ah, Tyrell! You've promised that last week would be the last week that you're going to be late!"

Mr. Goddard is angry. That's a look I've never seen on him before.

"No need to get mad.
I'm here, aren't I?"
Tyrell says.

Mr. Goddard seems speechless.
Tyrell walks to what I assume
is his place.
He murmurs something under his breath and sits down.
"Excuse me, what was that?" Mr. Goddard asks.
"Nothing!" Tyrell exclaims.

Mr. Goddard nods with a warning look on his face.
"I hope I don't have to put you in trouble.."

Tyrell just waves his hand in an disinterested way.

"Anyways, now that Tyrell is here, let's start with question 1..."

Mr. Goddard's voice fades
somewhere in the background.
The only thing I can concentrate on right now is Tyrell.
'Why' you may ask?
He's the guy I saw on
the bus yesterday.
He has the same blonde hair
and blue eyes.
And he's wearing an indigo-blue tie.
And a button-up shirt.
Just like in my dreams.
He's opening his pencil case.
I get a quick look into it....


Green is missing. Again.

What in the hell is happening?

Why is this happening?

Am I crazy?

Fuck, I feel a tear running down my right cheek. This is so much to handle.
I sob.
The girl next to me noticed.
She puts her hand up.
"Mr. Goddard, Elliot is crying!"
Everybody turns around to look at me.
Even Tyrell.
"Elliot, do you want to go out for a min-"
I can't handle this. I get up while he speaks and go to the men's toilet.
I put my back on the wall and slide down until I sit.
I can cry now, nobody sees me here.

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