Chapter 2: A beautiful disaster

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Elliot's POV

I am standing on top of a building. Everything burns. I see and hear a helicopter crashing somewhere in the distance. It's a beautiful disaster. So many red and orange colours. And a little bit of blue and yellow. Green is missing. "We made it, Elliot!" I hear someone say. Then laugh. Next thing I know I'm holding someone's hand. It feels soft and firm at the same time. I've never felt something like this before. I look up to my left and I see-

"ELLIOT, WAKE UP!" Darlene yells as she repeatedly knocks on the door. "IT'S 8:30, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!" She stops knocking.
"I'm awake!" I say while rubbing my eyes. I hear her sigh.
"And stop locking your door all the time, that'd make all of our lives sooo much easier, y'know?" She says.
I think I heard a bit of exhaustion in her voice. I don't know what to say. "I'm sorry."
Maybe that'll make her less angry at me.
"It's okay" she says as I get up.
"Just... Hurry up now, okay?"
She sounds stressed. I don't blame her, it's a new situation for her, too.
She sighs again and goes down the stairs.

Time to get dressed.
I'm going to dress as neutral as I can, to not stand out even more. I already do that enough by being the new kid.
Black jeans, black hoodie, black jacket. Black shoes. Socks too.
I packed my stuff the evening before, so I take it and I'm good to go.

I unlock my door and go down the stairs. Darlene is waiting at the front door. She puts one finger on her lips, indicating that I have to be quiet. I mouth the word "why?" to her. She points to the couch and now I know why. Mom was drinking last night. And she's sleeping. And you don't want to wake my mom up when she's drunk.
I walk to Darlene quietly.
Her and I walk out the door and lock it from the outside. Luckily we have a bus stop right
in front of our house,
which gives us 2 options to pick from:
Walk 10 minutes or drive 2,
assuming we have to wait a little.
Darlene decides that we take the bus.
We wait.
"Are you exited?" She asks all of a sudden, swinging her legs a little while sitting on the bench, smiling. Shit, I wasn't prepared for that. What do I say?
She doesn't seem satisfied with that answer. Her smile fades a little.
"Okay, can you describe it a little more detailed please?"
After a lifetime of living with her, I still haven't figured out what I should do when she asks that without sounding like an asshole.
She tilts her head, her face getting more serious every second.
"Come on, there has to be more to
it than that!"
"There isn't."
I look at her.
The smile has fully gone away.
Fuck, did I upset her? What did I do?
"Okay" she says sounding a little disappointed.
I don't feel good about this.
"I'm sorry" I murmur, looking back at the ground. She doesn't answer.
She looks down the street and gets up. "The bus is coming."
I get up too, after looking myself.
The Bus stops in front of us and we get in. Darlene finds us seats and I get to sit on the window side. "Alright, shouldn't take too long" Darlene says, plugging her earbuds in.

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