3. Poetry

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After confirming that the text I received was certainly from Raphael, I hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. I mean, he and Lea had been dating for 6 months. We met the first time on the night we went to Mike's pub, but still, none of it made much sense. Other than the fact that he aroused me in the car and texted me, it still didn't make sense.

And the worst was that I was going to spend my birthday, my least favorite day alone, not even Lea alone, but really alone and now holding two tickets to a show I might not even go to. I kept savoring the thought of what could actually be going on on his mind and at the same time, kept worrying about Lea, she had not responded to any of my texts and I could not stop but worry a little about her. Work was pretty busy on the other hand Millennials and their weird combinations of things that were meant not to be blended together, but who was I to judge them but another millennial that did not agree with the way most of them were living their lives.

"Avocado and Pineapple please," said a blond girl walking with her not so blondish friend, who had asked a kiwi, granola and blueberries shake. I mean did it make them feel detox or some shit like that, I gave them my best smile and handed their drinks, they gave me a weird look, but I just decided to let it go. My phone buzzed, I decided to ignore it, who would be texting me at 1 pm? Probably one of those psychos who wanted a quickly, not that I was against it, but right now, my mind couldn't go around having sex with people, it just keeps going to...

"A strawberry pineapple, mango mix please," Ordered a deep sexy voice from behind the counter, I was washing the blender and the vase, So I decided not to turn, might seem too creepy, usually we received some pretty cute looking clients, you know your typical, fit influencers, bodybuilder or one of those, who was obsessed with eating healthy, or vegans ones. They also requested the weird mixes, protein, and fruits, or just proteins, it was kinda odd. People did order some pretty weird shit in here, but hey, I could not judge them, other than that, the job was pretty cool, nice pay, close to where I live, plus the cuties and some discount I get which I really don't use very often I rather just buy myself a regular Ice cream from the corner store instead.

When I was placing the blender on its place, all nice and clean I noticed who had ordered the mix, it was Raphael, I almost dropped the vase and broke it, thankfully my reflexes were good and quick and I was able to save it.

"Good reflex," he said trying to make a joke, but I was surprised to see him here, how had he known that I worked here, I don't have that info anywhere and the pictures I post are basically from coffees I have done with some cute designs, but other than that there's nothing that connects me with this place.

"I was passing by and got this craving of a smoothie, Lea always mentioned these were her favorites, so I decided to get one and I think I know why she liked this one so much, he said with a smirk on his face, God no, I felt myself heating up, so I just turned and started making the mix, "Strawberry, mango and Pineapple mix coming right away" I screamed, with my pitch note but it kinda broke, giving myself away by how nervous I was.

"Here you go," I said while handing his drink, he grabbed it and his fingers lingered on mine for a little too long, I acted as if it was usual in this type of job and went back to my next customer "Crafty Juz, what can I get you today?" Giving my best fake smile, while my inside was trembling, I attended a couple of customers as  I could see Raphael from the corner of my eye, sitting alone, was he waiting for someone or me? or what exactly was he doing here? Then I noticed he walked and got out of the store, luckily my shift was almost over, so I did some other mixes and hit the lockers where I washed my face, took off the apron and left it on my locker and I was out of the cafe before anyone could notice, when suddenly I stumbled with an energetic Raphael,

Don't tell my best friend.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora