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High school is Hell.

I groan as I lean back against the the drivers side door of my red 1994 Ford F-350 truck, listening to music on my phone as I wait for my friends to show up. I always end up showing up first, because the rest of my crowd are notorious anti-morning people.

I ain't much of a morning person myself, but I have a reputation to keep up and according to my parents, and example to set. I am a future Alpha, so I have to set a good example for my pack members...besides , if I rack up too many tardies it will get in the way of me playing basketball, and at this point it's the only reason I come to school.

It's the first day of school, which hasn't even started yet, and I'm already sick of being here.

~I want to go for a run.~ My wolf Roxy huffs, like me in wanting to be anywhere but here. Especially at seven in the morning.

~After school, I promise~ I reply, groaning as my stomach growls with hunger. I was in such a rush when I got up this morning I didn't get to stop and eat breakfast, which is not helping my patience in the slightest considering Diane, my best friend and future Beta, promised she would bring me breakfast from Bojangles...and she's running late.

This Monday just keeps getting better and better....

I sigh in relief as I see Diana's SUV pull into the parking lot as Light It Up by Neffex plays in my earbuds. Her music so loud the vehicle is shaking and thumping...and my crazy friends are all singing along to whatever song is playing, probably One for the Money by Escape the Fate if I know them at all. I shake my head as they pull into the parking spot beside my truck, the spots that have been ours since first day of freshman year.

"Someone ordered Bojangles?" Diana laughs as she hops out of the drivers seat, her pink hair in her normal braided updo, and her lips painted with her favorite black lipstick while her winged eyeliner is on point as always.

"It's about time, you're late." I reply as I pull out my ear buds and shove my phone in the pocket of my black capris.

"I missed you too, jerk." She says as she pulls me in for a hug, a bit difficult since I'm 5'11 and she barely 5'6.

"I missed you, bitch." I chuckle as I hug her back.

"Let me look at you girl! I swear you look even more badass than when you left! How the hell is that possible?"

I smirk, faintly recalling how I spent my summer, how I've spent every summer since I finished middle school: training out of state. There's a special pack further south that has a really vigorous training program, and since my Papa was originally from that pack he figured it would be a good place to finalize my Alpha training before I took over. I've spent the entire summer training there, just coming back last night.

"Goddess girl, each time you come back from that place you're arms get bigger! What do they feed you?" She says with disbelief as she sees my arms exposed by my dark green muscle tank, poking the left one that has my tribal tattoo on it.

"Most of it was prepared with protein powder in it." I joke.

"Seriously...and don't you usually come back from that place you have a new tattoo, or piercing, or hairstyle?"

The first time I went to that camp I came back with my already dyed red hair shaved on the sides, and with my second ear piercing. Summer after freshman year was my third ear piercing and my snake bites, after sophomore year my fourth ear piercing and got the pack crest tattooed on my right arm with the tribal tattoo on my left.

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