Chap 19

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"Eh? Why that one?" Asahi asked, I was curious to know as well. Kageyama looked at us so innocently.

"Well, that was when the coach that led Karasuno to nationals taught you right?" He answered. Asahi then laughed at his junior's intense passion for volleyball and the club's experience.

"Okay then, but then what do you want to know?" He asked us both. We continued to walk, I thought of a question while lookig around for Hinata.

"What was he like?" Kageyama asked, he wasn't at all focused on searching for his weirdo duo partner. Asahi was also distracted and no longer felt that anxious because of his junior's continuous questions regarding the club's past.

They continued to talk about this for a while. I kept trying to think of what I wanted to ask about since I also wanted to know more about the club. Then Kageyama asked "What were the members like before?"

Asahi thought for a moment. "Honestly, I think everyone was pretty much the same?" Since I was still listening as they talked, I suddenly had a comment.

"Ehh?? Really not a thing has changed?" Asahi thought once more, trying to think of a satisfying answer for the both of us.

"Hmmmmm..." the three of us stopped and waited for him to answer.

"Well... Daichi was less strict... and..." we waited.

"Uhhh.. staring at me really doesn't help though..." we both were surprised that we were staring and then said sorry. Then he realized "Ahhhh!!! Nishinoya didn't have his blond ruffle then!"

"Ohhhhhh~!" Me and Kageyama were genuinely surprised.

"I thought his hair was natural." Kageyama said, I looked at him and agreed. Asahi looked at us as if saying how we came up with that conclusion.

"Come to think of it, Nishinoya changed a lot." We both looked at him waiting.

"Well for one, he genuinely likes you, but he used to always seek for Kiyoko. Now whenever he talks about you he—" He suddenly stopped when he noticed I was blushing madly. Then he realized that he made a huge mistake.

Suddenly we got a call from Daichi. He said that Hinata was found and that we were supposed to go back.

Third person p.o.v.

When all members were back in the gym, Asahi quickly said to (f/n) that she shouldn't think about it too much. Then he went to his other third year teammates.

"Oi oi oi! I made a huge mistake!" He whispered to the other two. In a panic they both asked what it was.

"I accidentally told (l/n)-san that Nishinoya likes her!" He told then in a panicked yet still quiet voice. Daichi and Sugawara were extremely shocked. Daichi then face palmed and Sugawara was just speechless.

"T-this will startle Nishinoyaaaaaa!!" Sugawara scolded the ace of Karasuno.

"How did (l/n)-san take it?" Daichi asked calmly. Trying to think of a way to prevent a disastrous event for their happy-go-lucky libero.

"She was quiet the entire time we went back! I-I didn't know what to say! So I told her that she shouldn't think about it too much!" The other two members face palmed even harder, groaning at their friend's clumsy self.

"I'm sorryyyy!!" Asahi cried out to his other members.

"We need to talk to (l/n)-san." Sugawara said. As if on cue, Kiyoko went to her fellow third years.

"Ah!! That's right Kiyoko-san!" Daichi and Asahi looked at their friend. Sugawara the whispered to Kiyoko about what happened and what she has to do. Kiyoko looked at Asahi and he felt extremely guilty that he apologized without warning.

"Now you, Asahi! You need to talk to Nishinoya." Sugawara said firmly.
"Ehhhhh!! B-but what if he falls apart, or what if he loses confidence?! Can't I wait until he asks for advice or something?" Asahi frantically tried to find other ways. His friends just stared at him and he finally gave in once he heard his younger friend enter the gym.

He hesitated before approaching the younger male. "Osu, Asahi-san!" Nishinoya greeted him with a smile.

"O-osuuu, Nishinoya. S-so, I have something to tell you..." Asahi scratched the back of his head and fiddled with his hair as he tried to compose what he wanted to say without damaging Nishinoya's morale.

Nishinoya waited while smiling at his senior. Definitely not expecting any bad news.

"S-so I kinda told (l/n)-san that you like her..." He whispered to his friend. Nishinoya stiffened, he started sweating nervously, his smile wavering.

"W-what did she say?" Nishinoya whispered back.

As the two talked with each other, the third years and second years excluding (f/n) and including a nosy Hinata, talked about the situation.

"Well I honestly think Nishinoya would be fine." Ennoshita whispered within the circle. Hinata was in the background trying to listen in on his seniors.

"Oi oi oi, even I would be nervous as heck knowing that my crush knows I like her." Sugawara replied nervously as he thought of the idea.

"Now that Chikara mentions it, I think Noya would be alright." Tanaka supported.

"Hahh?? How sure are you?" Daichi asked.

"Well that's cuz (l/n)-san likes Noya too." The second year plus Kiyoko answered.

Daichi and Sugawara both looked surprised. "YOU ALL KNEW?!" They whisper yelled at their circle. Offended that they only knew one side of the secret romance blossoming with their short baby crows.

Suddenly Nishinoya and Asahi approached the circle. Nishinoya looking devastated despite his shaking smile. (F/n) saw this and decided to join in, along with the other first years who thouht that they were having a meeting.

The new arrivals in the circle waited for Daichi to say something. Daichi noticed this, as well as the desperate plea Nishinoya was sending him.

"S-So!! Glad we sorted that out! Let's continue practice!" Daichi clapped his hands signalling everyone to go back to their routines.

Kiyoko and (F/n) was left. "What were you talking about, Shimizu-san?" The younger female asked and her senior just shrugged then smiled and told her that they needed to cook lunch.

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