Chap 8

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After greeting them, I didn't buy what my dad asked for instantly. I stayed chatting with them. They were all so bummed out that they only had four new applicants for the club.

"But hey! At least we get to be 'senpais'!!!" Nishinoya happily jumped then Tanaka also joined the hype once he realized this as well.

"They must really like being called senpais." Daichi said smiling at his teammates enthusiasm.

"By the way, (l/n)-san, you will be there right?" Suga asked me.

"Yup! Can't wait to see more new faces."

"Ah, by the way (l/n)-san, could I have your number?" Daichi asked flipping his phone out.

Nishinoya stopped dancing with Tanaka then looked at me and Daichi.

"Sure Cap'n!" I said while saluting. He laughed at this and I gave him my number.

"I'll be sure to contact you for anything club related or other important stuff." He kept his phone away.

"Phew." Everyone turned to see who that was and Nishinoya flinched.

"Ah!! Phew!!! It's so friggin hot right, Ryu?!" He wrapped one of his arms on his friend and started patting his back a little too harshly while laughing.

"Ah, ouch! Noya!!! It hurts!!" He struggled to get away from his friend but Nishinoya kept him in place.

Then we heard Daichi clap to call the team's attention.

"Since we've spent too much time we need to head for-"

"(F/n)-chaaaaaaan~ chiiiiiips~" we all heard my father whine from our house door.

"Ah! I almost forgot! I'm on it~!" I walk towards the center of the group and whispered to them"he's my dad, respect him even if he acts childish." Then I went inside the store.

Third person p.o.v.

The team all bowed at the same time once (f/n) went inside the store.

(F/n)'s dad went closer to the team, all of them were sweating nervously until the older male laughed loudly.

"You're all (f/n)-chan's new friends right?" He said as he placed his hand on Daichi and Suga's shoulders. Both males stiffened up and nodded.

"Then.... none of you have a crush on my little daughter right?" He smiled caringly yet also terrifyingly.

All of them glanced towards Nishinoya, the older male picked up on this and went closer to the younger male. He placed both of his arms on his shoulders.

"You like her?" He smiled.

" a friend, sir... I-I was the first for her to meet so th-that explains their glances! Ha...haha..." Nishinoya tried to smile and keep his confidence up.

"Whaaaaat??" The older male whined, this caused confusion within the team.

'Eh?' All of them thought.

"Nobody likes my (f/n)-chan that way??? She's pretty though? And cuuuuute!! And super duper responsible!" He bragged laughing, and losing the terrifying aura.

"A-ah, not at all sir! She is indeed very responsible! She's one of our team's lucky charm!" Tanaka managed to say.

"One of your team's lucky charm?" (F/n)'s father asked.

"Ah, we have another manager. She's the other lucky charm." Sugawara replied also regaining his confidence.

"Ahhh I see. Well at least I'm glad that she has respectful male friends. I'm counting on all of you to guard her alright?" He once again places his hands on Suga and Tanaka's shoulders. This time Tanaka and Suga felt that the older male was simply just a caring father and they smiled at them.

The rest, however, was still shaken up by (f/n)'s father.

"By the way. Someone else was in the house yesterday. Anyone know who that is?" Once again his terrifying aura came back. And similar to earlier, they all glanced at Nishinoya.

"Oh! You again, sooo??" (F/n)'s father stared at him smiling.

"Y-yes I was there. B-but only because (l/n)-san wanted to treat my bruises! S-sorry for intruding!" He bowed in front of the older male multiple times, then he heard him laugh once more.

"It's okay it's okay~! My (f/n)-chan is so sweet~ Ah I've raised a good girl!" He bragged again. This time the female being talked about has finally went out of the store.

"Daaad, Ukai-san didn't have your favorite chips so I bought this one instead." As she shuffled through the bag, she noticed the thick air.

"Geh...." she gulped.

"He didn't say anything ridiculous did he?" She pointed at her father. Her father laughed then said "I didn't, did I?" He looked at the whole team, once again with the evil aura and they all nodded hesitantly.

"Really?" She thought, analyzing everyone's reaction. Suddenly an irk appeared on the girl's head and then she punched her dad lightly.

"You did say something! Anyway, you guys get going now. You need to practice! And you! Let's go home now." (F/n) then started pusing her father to their home. Before they went inside (f/n)'s father looked at Nishinoya, sending a glare.

The younger male shivered.


"Oooooooo Noya's in troubleeeee~!!!" Tanaka teased the instant the two were inside.

"Damn it Ryuuuuu!!!" He chased down his teammate who was already running farther and farther.

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