Chap 2

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I stepped outside for what seems like months of being cooped up in my room. I sat down our front porch to take a break from the lectures that were sent to me by my teacher. Since it was getting hot, I decided to linger in that tiny shop in front of our house.

"Osuu...." I said quietly while entering the store.
"Osu." The store owner replies with a cig in his mouth.

I glance around the store and finally found the refreshments. I opened the fridge door and the cold air started hitting my skin. I was wearing shorts and a tank top due to the heat.

I pretended to think about which to buy only to be spotted by the store owner.

"Oiiii... if you just wanted cold air you could've just mentioned instead of making my drinks go warm." I look back at him nervously and saw him turn on his store airconditioner.

"Oh thank you. I thought you were going to kick me out." I scratch the back of my head, grinning and trying so hard not to piss him off. He did look like a delinquent after all.

"You're the girl that stays in that room right?" He points to my veranda and I nodded.

"You look young to be working, what year are you in?"

"Ahhhh, I'm a second year high school student." I said sitting down on a stool he prepared while I was talking.

"Homeschooled huh?" He asks placing the butt of the cig on his ash tray.

"Yeah well... yeah." I nervously smiled.

"You stupid or something?"

"Wha-!! Absolutely not!" I pouted angrily. "I happen to ace my subjects since middle school." I said proudly placing my hand on my chest showing how confident I am.

"Ahhh really..." he scoffed uninterested at all. "It's a pretty boring neighborhood for you to be homeschooled."

"No kidding. I think I'm rotting in my room."

"Which explains why you're out here then." I nod at this. Suddenly the store bell rings and enters the guy from the other night. This time he wasn't wearing his uniform, even though it was a school day and the school year just started too.

"Osuuuu!" He walks to the ice cream fridge head down.

"Skipping today?" The store manager asks without looking up from the magazine he was holding.

"Nahh, I got suspended. A week of suspension." He sratches his head, he was about to say something but then he stopped once we locked eyes. He quickly placed his payment on the desk.

"Hey hey, old man hurry up!" He whisper yelled at the store owner.

"Hahh?! Chill out kid." The store owner, at his normal pace, took out the change.

"Osuuu." I said quietly but enough for him to hear. I assumed he was getting uncomfortable so I thought of lightening the mood by being comfortable with him. He looks at me wide eyed.

"O-osuuuuu..." he looked down as if he was pouting then looked back at me this time a bit more confident but curious.

"I-is she your daughter?" He asked the store manager and we were both shocked.

"Nonononono, I don't have a daughter, kid!" As he was explaining I shook my head vigorously.

"Ohhhh I see. Hahahaha" he laughs and grins like a total idiot. Once we all calmed down he walked out then bid farewell with the owner, then he looked at me.

"S-see ya!" He stuttered but managed to smile toothily at me. I nodded my head and waved my hand.

"W-well! I'd better get back to studying too. See ya!" I said to the store owner and he nodded.

Once outside I saw the boy sitting at the front of the store eating his popsicle.

"Eh?" We both said at the same time staring at each other. He quickly stood up traight and I stood right where I was. Both of us not moving an inch.

"U-umm" we say at the same time.

We look at each other.

"S-so-" again said at the same time.

"Pfft.." we both laughed at the awkward situation.

"Nishinoya!" He grinned offering his hand.
"(F/n)." I smiled taking his hand.

"Well, I better go inside. Enjoy your popsicle, Nishinoya-kun." I smiled and walked straight to my house then to my room.

I peeked through my veranda and saw that he was staring at my veranda as well. He noticed me then he waved, I flinched then waved too.

Reach Out. Nishinoya Yuu x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant