Chap 12

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Tonight I didn't have to walk alone. I was walking with Karasuno's volleyball club's second years. We were all headed for the same direction so we all decided to go together. We split up from the rest of the group earlier, some wanted to practice more. Specifically the first year weirdo duo.

"I gotta say, it really is refreshing to see Kiyoko-san enjoy the club cuz of talking to others." Ennoshita says while we were walking

"Isn't she normally talking with you guys though?" I asked curiously. I can't imaging Shimizu-chan not talking, even a small occasional talk with the club was all I could imagine.

"She talks usually with Daichi and the other third years. Sometimes she talks with us. But giggling and smiling, not very often." Kinoshita explains, the other second years agreed.

"Say, why don't we all study in (l/n)-san's house?" Noya offered. I looked at them and smiled, agreeing to the idea. Most of them shook their heads.

"I need to be home before my sister comes home. House needs to be clean or I'll get it!" Tanaka shivered as he explains.

"Us too, we need to get home." Ennoshita explains for the rest. Me and Noya accepted their reasons.

As we got to the front of the store and the house, we all bid our farewells.

"(L/n)-san, I'll just buy some Gari Gari-kun before we study!" Noya waved smiling at me and I nodded. I went inside the house and cleaned a few things before Noya came in. I couldn't clean the living room in time and felt that it was too dirty to study there. As soon as Noya came in I told him the situation

"Noya-kun, I won't be able to study properly in the living room. We should study in my room for tonight." I explained. Noya nodded slowly with a Gari Gari-kun in his mouth.

Nishinoya's p.o.v.

'It's cool. A girl's room. It's cool.' I tried to calm myself down. Suddenly the image of her treating my chin the first few days I met her popped up. And so did something else.

'God.... why...' I prayed. I heard the click of her door.

"There we go~ stay out here for a moment! I'll just change then I'll let you in." She smiled then went in her room.

I didn't hear a lock... it's open...

'Under no circumstances will I open that door. Under no circumstances will I open that door. Under no circumstances will I open that door...' I kept repeating the thought in my head. As I was doing so I heard a loud bang inside. I stiffened up.

'Under no circumstances will I open that door...'


"N-noya-kun!!!" I heard her call from the other side.

"Y-yeah?!" I panickly answered.

"Can you...." I couldn't hear the rest of what she said so I leaned in closer to the door.

"What'cha say?!" I asked.

"Help meeeee...." I gulped. I slowly opened the door, my eyes closed tightly.

"Wh-where are you (l/n)-san?!" I called out.

"What the— open your eyes Noya-kun!" She scolded. I peeked out to find her struggling to lift up her big ass futon.

"Eh? What's this for?"

"H-hurry up!! I'm slipping!" She panicked, I hurriedly grabbed her waist and the futon to prevent the both from falling.

We both placed it on her bedroom floor.

"You often do this right?" I asked her.

"Nooo, I usually use the smaller one. But I have a visitor so I need a big one for us to lie down on when we want to." She explained.

It's been a while since we were studying. I didn't even notice the time pass by. But I did notice (l/n)... a hella lot... as usual, her home attire was a tank top and shorts, hair bunned. Her tank top had a giraffe print.

"H-hey (l/n)-san." She hummed in response.

"Don't you have any t-shirts?" I asked. She looked down at herself, noticing nothing wrong with it.

"You don't like giraffes?" She asked, I thought she was being serious so I furiously said no. Then she suddenly giggled.

"I'm joking Noya-kun. It's hot y'know! So I prefer tank tops over shirts. I sweat a lot that's why..." that last part was quiter than the first part. I quickly picked up on this and laughed.

"Here wear this!" I toss her my Karasuno jacket.

"Ehhhh... I just said I sweat a lot." She whined.

"Yeah well..." not being able to hold myself I went closer to her, closing the space between our faces. "if you don't want to deal with a troublemaker, you need to wear it." I calmly said. I noticed her face blush. I then sat straight, distancing our faces. Then I smiled at her. "Got it?" She nodded.

We continued to study, little did I notice that my eyes were starting to fall.

Normal p.o.v.

'He's getting a lot of confidence now huh?' I smiled feeling my face heat up.

"Noya-kun?" I called him. I could clearly see him fallen asleep but I still called him out. He hummed in response, even though he was asleep.

I sat down nearer to him and played with his hair. Specifically the blonde ruffle in front.

"Noya-kun, why did you bleach only this part of your hair?" I asked, not expecting an answer.

I heard a quiet "it's cool..." from his sleeping mouth. I giggled at his sleep talk. It's practically a sleep conversation.

"Hey Noya-kun... call me (f/n)-chan."

"Hmm... (f/n)-chan..." he adjusts his arms to wrap around my waist, tugging me to come closer. I did of course to avoid him from waking up. I look at his arms and saw that he still has bruises.

'I guess that's expected from athletes.' I sigh and lightly ran my fingers through his bruises. He whines once I touched the one near his wrist.

'This one hurts most.' I lifted his arm and kissed his bruise. I could feel his lips form a smile on my hips.

"(F/n)..." he whines. Suddenly I felt something wet drip on my legs. 'He... he's drooling on me.' My face went from a calm smile to a grossed out one.

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