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Three hours into the drive, we switched seats. So here I sat now, relaxed with my feet on the dash in the passenger seat. I had devoured my gummy bears hours ago and I was fucking starving. Damn these hormones. My stomach growled and I covered it by turning on the radio. I might be hungry but we needed to get to Miami, stopping to eat would only hold us up.

"Are you okay?" Kade asked, giving me the side eye. "You haven't said a word since our last discussion."

"Since when do I talk a lot on long drives?" I asked in a obvious tone. "I'm just thinking, the voices are talking," I said with a grin, moving my finger around my head.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, gripping the steering wheel tighter. Something was putting him on edge.

"Oh, you know, the usual. Killing, blood, guns, brains scattered all over the wall. I'm itching to get a hold of someone, relieve some tension." I flexed my hand in front of me. She was just begging to wrap around someone's neck.

Kade gave a chuckle and muttered, "Soon, pequena asesina." His grip on the wheel still didn't let up.

"What's bugging you?" I asked, gazing at the scenery out the window as it flew by. "Does little Kade need a smoke break?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"Very much so. You'd be smart not to tease me." He warned. I raised my hands and put on a fake scared expression.

"I'm trembling in my spandex suit." I placed my hand over my stomach as it rumbled again.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked, taking in my hand placement. "Is it the baby?"

I rolled my eyes and sat up in the seat. "No, I'm just fucking starving. I tried to forget about it but I'm hungry."

"Why didn't you just say so?"

"Because we need to get there. I'm fine, keep driving."

"If you say so," He grunted. To pass the time I take my knife out of my bag and start to run the blade over my fingertip, making sure it was sharp enough. I knew it was when I sliced my finger open. I milked the cut, letting the blood drip down my hand. Would you stop that? Kade asked, exasperated.

"I'm trying to hold my fucking self over. I didn't think I'd miss watching blood drip. Weird, huh?" I turned to him.

"Very," He commented before focusing on driving again. I took my finger and placed it in my mouth, sucking the blood off and looking out the window again. I let my finger slip out of my mouth as we passed the sign that said we were entering Florida. This was it.

"I think we should pull over to eat now. It's only about a six hour drive to Miami." He pulled onto the exit and took us into the city. Skyscrapers lined the sky and people rushed around on the sidewalks.

"Where are we? "

"Jacksonville. Almost there, pequena asesina." My heart skipped a beat. This was it. I was going to find my father soon and everything would go back to normal. I looked down at my flat stomach, well as normal as things could get. If someone would have told me a few weeks ago that I was going to meet my father in a few days, I would have laughed in your face and then probably stabbed them before spitting in their eye. It seemed like I would never meet him again but here we were, getting closer and closer.

Kade parked the car on the street and pushed passed people to get the sidewalk. It was a little warm here but as the winter months were coming, it wasn't too bad. Though, maybe a tight ass spandex suit wasn't the best idea. I got multiple stares as I stepped out of the car. I fake lunged at them and they backed away with a yelp. "Pussies," I muttered before meeting up with Kade down the street.

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