"That's not the point, the point is that we have a little sister" said Bella.

"Bella, please call John so he can take a picture of Naomi, so we will have an idea of what she will look like in the future" said Lucas, if you don't explain to her she won't go. Little Bella ran off to call John

As John entered he was shocked to see the king smiling, even when the rest of his kids were born he didn't smile, except for Ethan's birth. "Yes sir, let me go get the camera's"

             10 hours later.....
"How come she only let's you and dad carry her, that's not fair, she even rejected mummy" said Lola

"Oh be quiet, your just jealous" said little Ethan, he kept staring into Naomi's big blue eyes, with love and adoration, "I will always protect you, your like my little bubble, but I won't ever pop you that will just be weird, I love you. When you come home, I am going to shower you with gifts" he then kissed her forehead and gave her to the doctor.

"Don't worry son, we will be back OK" said King Lucas, then he nodded, "come on kids let's go, your mummy needs to rest" so one by one they pecked there mum and the baby and they left.

As the family left, the doctor carried Naomi out of the room, but before he could cross the corridor a woman hit him with a chair, took the baby, replaced it was her own dead child and ran away never to be seen again.

                    END OF FLASHBACK

"So you see my dear, she kidnapped you and brought you here, we searched everywhere but we couldn't find you, for years your family mourned, your sister even became a computer coder or hacker just to find you, your brother joined the army to get over your kidnap, your older brother is about to be king but with a stone cold heart, and other sister didn't mind you gone, but she later did care because your parents were distant, and I am your mother's sister. Your Aunty" wow!!, this is a lot to take in.

"Uhmmmm, this is a lot, but I only have 3 questions" I know it's small but baby steps, she nodded for me to go on, "what are my parents names, what country are they from and what do they do" I really wanna know

"Their names are King and Queen Lucas and Annamaria Delgado, that answers the first and the last, your dad is Russian while your mum is Italian, and we are all from Russia"

WHAT!!!!, so that's why people say I am violent (no offense)

"So I am a Russian princess, and I have have been missing for eighteen years and I have four siblings, may I know there names please"

It's weird to hear this story because I keep having weird dreams of a huge family and I see my self as a baby, crying, but someone carries me then I stop but before I look at the person's face I am falling into a deep hole. Weird right.

"I will start from the oldest to the youngest, we have Ethan, the next king, Diego, Bella and Lola" maybe it was Ethan

"When will I meet them" I said nervously

"When do you want to, because we are planing a small get together, so what day is good for you" she asked with a small smile

"Maybe I could stay at a hotel, then in the next 5 days, I can meet them because all this needs to sink in first, is that ok with you" I said with a smile.

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