Chapter twenty-three: Gringotts...

Start from the beginning

Blocks placed on him: Magic sealed - Albus Dumbledore (Broken age 3), Submissive potion (Broken age 5), Hatred potion to all things dark (Broken age 7) 

When Draco noticed Harry hadn't moved for several moments after reading the paper he slid it out of his hand to get a look. 

"That is bull shit how dare he place potions and spells on Harry!" Draco bellowed confusing the adults as they all scrambled to look.

Once everyone was up to speed with what had happened all attention turned back to Harry as huge black wings erupted out of his back. 

"Master you must calm down you need to have control first." The Goblin frantically said as he ran over to Harry. He whispered a few spells before Harry's black and void of any emotions eyes turned back to loving green ones.

"Thank you." Harry whispered to the Goblin.

"No problem Master, if you would like we Goblins could teach you control during the Holidays, we still remember the last master," The Goblins eyes seemed cloudy, like he wasn't there anymore, "She was amazing, strong, independent, but I think with my whole heart you will grow to be even better."

"That would be good." Harry said before turning back to the crowd of concerned eyes.

"Can we go home I am tired." Harry whispered and they all nodded frantically.

As they all left they received the same attention, the bows, the gasps and the whispers. But all went over Harry's head as he walked to the floo looking like he would pass out.

As soon as they got through the floo Harry aparated to Draco's room and locked the door.

"Is he Okay?" Narcissa asked Petunia.

"After a traumatic event he likes to be by himself we should leave him for a little bit and check on him soon he may want to rest before dinner." She replied but still looked worried.

"Can we stay here Mom I don't want to leave Har." Dudley asked Petunia.

"No sorry Dud this is someone else's home and we can't impose." She told him and he pouted.

"Nonsense you can all stay we have the room." Lucius said to everyone which granted him smiles all around. 

The whole group walked into the lounge and settled in to either reading or chatting calmly. It was the perfect afternoon for it after all, a light sun, gorgeous breeze and a spectacular view. 

Meanwhile in Harry's room.

He wasn't looking at the view. He wasn't focused on the sun or the whisper of the wind. His eyes were locked on the impending storm clouds. Coming to ruin the spectacle that was the earth. He couldn't help but relate to this picture. He felt like he was the storm, coming to ruin his family and friends. Always spoiling the mood. Always causing a scene. He didn't know how long he was staring at the clouds but he knew it was long enough to start to become stiff in the window seat. Draco's window seat. Even now he was ruining everything for Draco. I mean he was in Draco's room with the door locked. Harry sighed to himself. He felt he could never do anything right. That much was clear. The sadness his eyes held told more than his words would ever would. Revealed more than he ever would. But most couldn't read his eyes. Some would say his eyes were cold, or always skeptical. But not many saw why. Draco was the first friend he had who truly understood him. The real him. But now Harry didn't know if he was helping Draco or burdening him. 

Luckily for Harry before his thoughts took at turn for the worst a creak sounded around the room. Harry's sad gaze drifted to the floorboards, which seemed to be moving. 

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