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scroll down for a good argument against DC (i have to say im actually proud of myself for the points that i came up with) PLZ READ IT!

hey y'all!! sorry that this isnt an update! i just wanted to let you guys know that im going to post my other story (Salisbury) in here! plz check it out!

new update coming later today so stay tuned! whos ready for the big gender reveal?! i finally figured out what its going to be lol!

im currently sitting outside and my cat is the heccing cutest bean ever (besides TH)

so we r moving soon and im rly excited because we r moving to a lake house!! we r going to go tubing all the time!!

so my friend (reesewithaspoon22)'s neighborhood is having a huge garage sale and GUESS WHAT?!!! 

THEY HAVE BOXES UPON BOXES UPON BOXES UPON BOXES OF MARVEL COMICS!!!! im probably going to go to her house on Saturday to get some and when i do i'll put the pics up so y'all can see them!!

im trying to get spiderman ones and i CANT FLIPPIN WAIT!!

also my spiderman shirt is gonna come in the mail on friday, YAYYAYAYAYYAYAY!!!!!!!!!

dat is my beany baby!! her name is mia!!! prolly one of my favorite pics of her! i mean the camera is super close to her face but like it has mockingjay in the background and now my life is complete lolz

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dat is my beany baby!! her name is mia!!! prolly one of my favorite pics of her! i mean the camera is super close to her face but like it has mockingjay in the background and now my life is complete lolz

so my mom had surgery last week and her friend brought her white roses... WHAT KIND OF SICKO DOES THAT?!!!

also while im here, why not name my favorite fandoms... and ones i hate (comment if you agree on any of these)

my faves;

Doctor Who




The Hunger Games

The Flash (explanation below)

I hate;

DC (i will throw up)

Matched (i literally dont understand y ppl like it!)

Star wars (yes i said it, im sorry okay?! the movies just seem so repetitive and yes im on the dark side ok? i feel for darth vader OKAY? IM SORRY!)

my explanation for the flash/dc thing; so basically i hate DC. sure its fun to say "i am inevitable" "and i am batman" *jumps off building* and sure, the lego batman movie is pretty heccing sweet, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut dc just sucks! theres no story line, just a ton of mindless movies. not only that but its so unrelatable. for one thing they live in weird cities not actual ones. for another, marvel has some old rich men who are completely unrelatable, but they have SO MANY characters that are just so relatable! like idk; 

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