Chapter 3

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I sit at home on the couch. I cant believe Peeta left. He said always, does that mean nothing at all?

Oakley is upstairs sleeping when Bare comes rushing through the door and over to me

"Guess what mom?!" i put on a fake smile

"What is it buddy?"

"We each got to choose a flower to plant in school, i chose a primrose!" he says excitedly, holding out a small pot filled with dirt

How did he get to be so grown up? He is younger than prim was when our father died, but he reminds me so much of her

He has her joy, her zest for life, her smile. Oh how i missed her smile. The smile that could light up a thousand nights. I thought I would never be able to see it again, but here he is.

"Thats awesome Bare! Here we can put it in the window, so that it gets enough sun, then it will grow"

"Wait! I wanna show it to daddy first!" i choke back the tears and try to act normal in front of Bare

"Not right now Bare, daddy isn't home"

"Oh, when will he be home?" i bend down next to him and pull him into a tight hug

"I don't know sweet boy, hopefully soon"

Once i let go, Bare stares at me. I'm trying my best to act happy, but he's a smart kid

Finally after a few seconds he speaks up

"What's wrong mommy?" I sad smile

"Nothing is wrong baby"

"Im not a baby" he says angrily

I start to tickle him

"Yes you are! You will always be my baby!"

He giggles happily as i remember the importance of that word. Always. He promised me that we'd always be together, that we'd always love each other, how could he do this to me?! How could he leave?!

I can't try to hide it any longer and break into a fight of sobs

"Mommy you said you were okay!" Bare says concerned

"I know Bare, im sorry"

"What happened?"

"Nothing you need to worry about just yet" normally Bare would keep pushing until he got an answer, but he didn't. He just climbed into my lap and held onto me

"It will be okay mommy"

How do i deserve such a great little boy? He's exactly like Peeta. Not just because of his ashy blonde hair or his bright blue eyes, Bare's heart is the most distinguishable feature. He cant let anyone hurt, just like Peeta. Its like Peeta is here with me

I suddenly stop crying

"You better now mommy?"

"Yes I am... how do i deserve such a sweet baby bo- i mean young boy"

"Because mommy, you deserve everything" he says, kissing my cheek. Peeta.

He gets off my lap and drags his backpack upstairs, as i bring his Primrose into the kitchen

Why have i been so emotionally unstable lately? Our lives were supposed to go back to normal once we got back to 12, but trouble finds us

I set the Primrose on the windowsill and suddenly feel light headed

I sit down on the couch and hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Then the phone begins to ring

"I can get it mommy!" Bare yells. Normally i don't let him answer the phone but i don't feel like getting up

"Okay, please bring the phone to me!"

"Okay mommy!"

I listen to him climb the counter in order to reach the phone

"Hello?... daddy!" he yells, jumping off the counter

"Bare Finnick Mellark what have I told you about jumping off the counter!:" i yell

"Sorry mommy, i won't do it again" he says, jumping onto the couch. He hands me the phone and runs off


"Katniss... hey"

"Can i help you?" i ask annoyed. Why am I so annoyed? I miss him and want him to come back

"I don't blame you for being mad, i just... realized it wasn't fair of me to leave"

"So you're coming back?" i ask, suddenly excited

"Well, uh... no"
"What? Why?"

"I just meant it wasn't fair of me to leave you with 2 kids by yourself"

"I always have the drunk" i say, back to annoyed

"Look, Katniss, i called your mother. She's transfering to the district 12 hospital and coming to live with you"


"Dont. please just let her stay with you. It makes me feel so much better knowing you aren't alone"

"Fine!" i yell hanging the phone up

I cant believe him! He just leaves and makes my mom move in with me without my consent? I angrily throw the phone to the ground, waking up Oakley.

I hear a knock at the front door, mom

"Come in!" I yell, as i run up the stairs to get Oakley

Once i reach the top, i start feeling woozy and sink to my knees. Everything turns black as i hit the ground with a thud 

Katniss has really gotta get her life under control 😂

also idk about you guys, but i thought the part with Bare was SO CUTE!

the plotline is going a little faster than i wanted it to, so the next chapters might nit be as exciting. it will be my attempt at slowing the plot down lol 

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