Chapter 16

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"Come on Bare, it's time for school"

"I don't wanna go! When is daddy gonna get home?"

"Bare he left 2 days ago, so not for a little while. Now it's time for school"

"Fine" he grumbles

Oakley and Bare are being so difficult today! It's only been 2 days and Haymitch has already had them for more than half that

I just can't find the energy to put up with their shenanigans

Once Bare has left for school, i feel Oakley's little hand slip into mine

"Breakfast mommy?" I nod my head and lead him into the kitchen

My thoughts drift to Peeta, far away at the capitol. What are they doing to him? What could they possibly do that would get rid of his hijackings?

I'm snapped out of my trance when Oakley starts pounding his fists on the table. I look up and see that his face is bright blue

I pull him out of his chair and push down on his stomach with no response

I open my hand and whack him hard on the back, he coughs up whatever he was choking and starts to cry

My heart races a thousand miles an hour

"Oakley, why do you seem to choke every time your daddy is gone"

"Im done mommy" he whimpers

"Oakley are you okay?" i give him a cup of water as he snuggles closer to me

After a few minutes his breathes get really slow and even, he fell asleep

As i'm carrying him up to his crib, he sits up in my arms and rubs his eyes

"I'm not tired mommy" he yawns

"Okay, we can go play" that means he'll be even more tired for his nap this afternoon

I set him down and he walks to the office to find River

Why can't i seem to pull myself together? I need Peeta but i shouldn't rely on him this much, im their mother, i should be able to handle it

Then Oakley comes out, dragging a book that's almost as big as he is, behind him

"What this mommy?" I pull him into my lap

"This is a book that mommy and daddy made"

I show him all of the pictures that Peeta had drawn

I run my fingers along the edge of each page. The memories that encrust this book are unexplainable. A tear slips and hits the page with a graceful thud

The pain of my past is hidden deep within the words and picture, each page holds a different sorrow

"Can baby see?" Oakley asks suddenly

He's been obsessed with the baby these days, but hasn't yet grasped the concept that the baby can't yet do things we can do

He holds the book out in hands

"Look baby" he whispers

He's going to be a great big brother

Oakley is so cute tho

did y'all (see petra i can spell) enjoy this chapter?

i didnt rly, i feel like i could be doing a lot better, but i guess they say that your your biggest critic for a reason 

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