Chapter 21

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"I don't want to do this"

"Katniss, you have to" I gulp and pull the phone to my ear, its ringing

"Hello?" a familiar voice asks

"Hi Gale"

I'm about to say something else when i hear the front door open

"Just a second Gale... Peeta go see who's downstairs"

"What do you want Katniss?" he sounds annoyed that i called him

"Well Gale, my son Bare was beat up by a boy named 'Jasper Hawthorne' today, and i wanted to know if you two were related in anyway"

"Katniss i don't really want to talk about this-"

"You listen here Hawthorne! Do you REALLY think that i'm just going to let this go? Its my son, mine and peeta's son. That will never change, you will never live how Peeta does, you need to get over yourself! Now pay attention, think hard, a tell me of Jasper Hawthorne is related to you because if he is, it's just another Hawthorne for me to be angry at!"

The line is silent, finally a raspy, regretful voice can be heard on the other side

"He's... my son"

"W-what? But he wasn't at the capitol, you never told me"

"Its nothing i ever wanted to talk about. I'm in district 9 right now, i used to live in 12 with my... wife... and son, Jasper. We divorced not long after Jasper turned 7. She left me when i was in the capitol, i told her that i wasn't coming home for another week because i was helping you, she got really angry and told me she didnt want me to come back"

"Gale, i'm sorry i didn't-" Peeta bursts through the door, Bare rushing behind him

"Hold on a minute Gale" i hold the phone to my chest

"Who was it?"

"Bare and Oakley decided to pay their uncle Haymitch a visit... he brought them back"

"Barrett" i raise my voice

"Katniss, you should finish your call, we can talk to him later"

"Gale hi im back, so as i was saying, i'm really sorry that happened. Do you have any contact with Jasper?"

"I haven't seen him in 3 years, but i know where they are, if they're still there that is"

"I- would you mind-"

"Yeah, i can go try and talk to them"

"No! I want to go too... i need to talk to his mother for myself"

"Okay, when do you you want me to come-"

"Right now"

"Okay i'm on my way" then the line goes dead

I turn to Peeta, hes waiting in anticipation

"I'm going with Gale to his ex wife's house" he looks confused

"That's... weird Katniss. Let me come with you"

"Im fine Peeta, i can hold my own"

"Katniss this is a bad idea, i don't want you to get hurt"

"If you're worried about Gale, i'm not gonna-"

"I know you aren't, Katniss, i just think this is a weird situation. One which you shouldn't have your husband sit out of"

"I'll be fine" i kiss him and walk out of the room

"Mom is crazy"


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