Chapter 4

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"Fine!" Katniss yells, then the line goes silent

Maybe this was the wrong choice, maybe i shouldn't have left. No, i did what was best for my family and i'm going to stick to it. They don't need me

Suddenly my fist clenches and muscles tighten. I remember a conversation with Katniss during the Quell.

"If I die i have nobody left I care about. Your family needs you, nobody needs me"

"I do, I need you"

I stumble backwards into the wall and feel the anger consume me. I start to thrash around as reality twists. It feels like i'm in the ocean, barely keeping my head above water. Trying to stay who I am, not becoming who I was

I hear a soft voice behind me

"Peeta?" I turn around trying to breathe, trying to focus my eyes enough to see who it is.

"Peeta stop please! You need to control this, for your family" she comes closer, its Annie

My head is spinning and i'm looking in every direction, trying hole onto my reality, so i do the only thing i know to do

"Katniss Everdeen tried to kill me, real or not real?"

"Not real"

"Liar!" i charge at Annie, but she ducks and i run into the table

"Peeta please believe me! I know what you're going through, the capitol messes us up! You have a family! 2 children, please stop this" I stop walking and try to remember, it's like putting together a puzzle with ball the pieces facing the table

"2... boys"

"Yes, Bare and Oakley"

My reality returns to me. I just freaked out over a phone call. I thought that by coming here, I could get my hijackings under control then go back home. But now, knowing im so easily set off, i don't think i'll ever be able to go home

"Peeta, you need to go back to your family, they are the reason you don't have episodes as frequently"

"They are also the reason i need to stay away"

"You are welcome to stay with Flynn and I for as long as you need, but your family needs you"

"Thank you for letting me stay with you Annie" i say, disregarding what she said about my family

Its my family isn't it? I should be the one to decide if they need me or not

I walk up the stairs and flop onto the bed, maybe I should just find a place of my own. I'm not going back to them, probably not ever

short chapter cause ya girl is lazyyyy

also im excited for the next chap! 

also i updated 4 hours later cause i live for petra's commentary

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