Chapter 5

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"What did the doctor say?" mom asks

"I'm over stressed and dehydrated. Nothing major"

"Good... let's get out of here"

We walk back to Haymitch's house to pick up Bare and Oakley, then we go back home

"Mommy are you okay?"

"I'm just fine sweet boy, thank you" i say, kissing his forehead. Bare looks back at me, still concerned

"Hey i have an idea"

"What's your idea?"

"Can we show Grandma the woods where we play in, and the little pond with all the frogs in it?"

"I dont know-"

"Please mommy!"

"Okay Bare, go tell your grandma" Bare claps his hands excitedly and runs down the hall yelling



We get to the little clearing where Peeta and I usually took the kids in the summertime.

Bare grabs mom's hand and drags her to the willow trees, I laugh watching her trying to keep up

I set Oakley down in the grass, and he begins to run around, giggling and pulling grass

"Momma see" he says, holding a flower out to me

"Isn't that pretty Oakley? It's called a daisy" i say, tucking it in his shirt pocket

He claps and coos

"Pwetty" he says, pulling the flower out of his pocket and crushing it between his fingers

"Well it was" I laugh

Then Bare comes running over and flops into the grass next to me

"Mom, what kind of flower is that?" he asks, pointing to the fully bloomed dandelions

"That's a dandelion, they are actually considered weeds, but they are really fun to use"

I pick it from the grass

"Do you know what to do with them?"

"No" he says curiously

"You close your eyes and make a wish, then you go like this" i say blowing the seed particles into the wind, Oakley starts to giggle and tries to catch them

"Could i make a wish mommy?" Bare asks

"Of course you can" I pick another one and hand it to him

"I wish daddy would come home" he says, then he spits on it as an attempt to blow

I sigh. Bare has been so beat-up about his father leaving, and I totally understand, but sometimes it feels like he will never be happy unless Peeta is home

I hug Bare and give him a smile

"Me too" i whisper

Then i hear a splash and look up.

"What was that?" i ask mom

"I don't know" mom says with a shrug

"Momma where did Oakley go?"

I jump up and run to the edge of pond, the water is cloudy. I swish around in it trying to find him

Then i see a ripple in the water a few feet in front of me. I run over and throw my hands into the water.

Finally i feel his arm. I grab hold and pull him up

He isn't coughing or anything, so I start to panic

"Mom!" I yell

"Give him to me" she says, taking his lifeless body. She turns him on his stomach and pats his back really hard, he still won't move

She lays him on his back and presses lightly on his stomach, her presses get harder and harder, he still won't move

She sits him up and hits his chest, finally he starts to cough up all the water

"Mommy!" Bare yells

"Shhh, its okay Bare, he's going to be okay" i say, picking him up into a hug

"Its.. my... fault" he says in between cries

"Not its not, not even close" he sobs harder into my shoulder

"I said we should come here"

"Bare, i should have been watching him, and he's breathing again, its okay"

Oakley starts violently screeching, still coughing up pond water. I take him from my mom

"Its okay baby, your Okay"

"We should take him to the hospital just in case" she says, I nod and start to walk towards the D 12 hospital

"Could you take Bare home? I don't want him to be so worried"

"Of course, and i can call Peet-"

"No, Oakley is fine and Peeta won't care"

"Katniss, i get that you're mad, but I don't think that's fair. You and I both know how much Peeta loves his family" I sigh, i know she's right

"If he loved us so much, he would be here"

"Katniss, let me call him"

"Mom, i've decided to forget about him. He isn't coming back and i'm not going to allow him leaving to get in the way of my children living happy childhoods. I don't want them to grow up with their mother constantly doing the back and forth"

"Katniss please, you love him"

"Not anymore mom, not anymore"

in the words of petra "oofeth"

I hope ya'll enjoyed that chapter! the next one might just be my fave of both books combined! 

love ya'll and thanks for the support! 

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