I'm Alone

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There's an empty spot in my bed
But I'm alone
There's words left unsaid
But I'm alone

There's some space in my heart
But I'm alone
I'm ready for a restart
But I'm alone

I'm ready to love someone
But I'm alone
I'm ready to have some fun
But I'm alone

This loneliness is killing me
But I'm alone
Your love is the key
But I'm alone

I'm alone in the day
And I'm alone at night
I'm alone in the dark
And I'm alone in the light

Even when I'm here
My mind is elsewhere
But when I'm alone
All I do is stare

My tears have begun to dry
But I'm still alone
I keep asking why
Am I still alone

Maybe I'm just not good enough
That's why I'm alone
Maybe I'm not that tough
That's why i'm alone

I could around people
But still feel alone
They could try to talk to me
But I'm in my another zone

My fake smile is convincing
You can't tell them apart
I know to wear it all the time
I know it in my heart

I'm ready to give a damn
But I'm alone
I can't keep up with the sham
But I'm alone

A Man with Love in His HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon