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No matter where we go in life
We're right where we should be
In love, peace and harmony

We wander through our lives
Wondering where we are
Now isn't that bizarre?

We are where we should be
Because it's our path to walk
Each step, a second on the clock

And as our clocks tick away
We hope our time was well spent
We wonder what it all meant

What was our purpose here?
What kind of mark did I leave?
After I'm gone, who will grieve?

There is no need to wonder
For when your life is at its end
There'll be bridges left to mend

But your clock is still ticking
There's still life within you
Wake up each day anew

So, keep wandering in your life
You will eventually find your way
On your path, try not to stray

A Man with Love in His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now