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Isn't it amazing
How the world keeps turning
When your world is on fire
And everything is burning

When all you love is ablaze
And you can't put it out
The inferno takes everything
Everything except doubt

You doubt all you've known
Was it even real?
You crumble and fall
And harden yourself like steel

You wake up day after day
The pain starts to fade
But one thing reminds you
Of all the things you'd trade

You do anything for a chance
A chance to make it right
Hell I'd do anything
To have you in my sight

When the fire is smoldered
And you look at the mayhem
Out of the fire has forged
You into a beautiful gem

Heartbreak is a part of life
And you'll need to fight the fire
You'll do your best to put it out
But in the end it gets higher

A Man with Love in His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now