Could I Call You?

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Could I call you
If I break down crying?
Could I call you
If my insides are dying?

Could I call you
When I have nothing to say?
Could I call you
When I've had a bad day?

Could I call you
When I'm feeling alone?
Could I call you
When you're on the phone?

Could I call you
When I'm falling apart?
Could I call you
When I'm losing my heart?

Could I call you
When you're trying to forget?
Could I call you
When I need an outlet?

Could I call you
When I'm going crazy?
Could I call you
When my memory is hazy?

Would you call me
When you're barely hanging on?
Would you call me
When you want me to be gone?

Would you call me
When you want to hear my voice?
Would you call me
When you want another choice?

Could I call you
When you're on my mind
Could I call you
When I need to unwind?

Could I call you
When I want you in my life?
Could I call you
When I'm holding a knife?

Could I call you
When all hope is lost?
If I called you
What would be the cost?

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