Chapter Eight

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It was their third day on the sea on the voyage to Croatia.  Jimin was slightly losing hope in going home but he felt if he lost hope, he would never go home, so he found comfort in the waves and the song of the birds while thinking of ways to not be near Yoongi or anyone.  He would be mad if he would go anywhere near them; especially the captain.  Jimin knew there would be a long journey ahead of them so he prepared himself for awkward situations and awkward silence. Jimin had his shared moments of awkward conversations in his time but he's 100% sure that none of those situations foundations was from someone trying to kill him. 

If the captain showed any regret, he hid it well.  Jimin who's an Empath couldn't really tell what the captain is feeling.  Yoongi came down the stairs and said, "we're stopping the boat as Taehyung wanted to do something in an island offshore of not Croatia.  Jimin decided it would be alright to get off of the ship as he was getting a little sick.  The anchor sank to the bottom of the salty sea as Namjoon let it drop.  Jimin was on land and he didn't like how it was steady.  He has gotten used to the rocking of the sea that his mind tricks him that he is rocking back and forth and he had found comfort in that as well.  

Jimin left the group as no person of authority would be looking for him.  He had no idea where he was and all he knew was that Taehyung had a friend he had to pay a visit for.  Whatever that meant.  Jimin didn't care, that sounded like a Taehyung problem and he doesn't want to deal with a Taehyung problem.  He has a Jimin problem that he needs to figure out.  He started walking along the seashore.  He should have listened to his mom and make friends with the ghosts, maybe then he wouldn't be 200 years in the past.  

Jimin heard gunshots.  Is that normal?  Of course, it is, it's the 1800s.  There had to be a lot of things like this, but he couldn't help but worry.  He would get in the way, but he could catch the person off guard.  Why would he even want to help whoever was the one getting shot, no one really helped him much, still, he couldn't help but feel the need to help.  Sighing in defeat he started walking towards the sound that still echoed in his ears.  

When he got there, Yoongi and Jungkook were surrounded by four soldiers.  He wished he took the gun.  He looked around to see if he could do anything to help without being seen.  He saw a couple of rocks.  Jimin grinned and crawled towards the stones that weighed a lot and picked up a couple.  He only had one try or else they will know there's someone else.  He sighed yet again and he focused.  His plan was to throw one rock, hit the man, run to another place, hit the second man, run to another hiding spot and hit the third and repeat for the last man.  The plan had a lot of bad outcomes rather than good, but one can hope.  He pulled his arm back and then with the wind rubbing against his arm he let the rock soar through the air.  It missed.  Jimin cursed himself and he thought to himself that those could be his last words.  'That's always fun, someone saying fuck before death?"  What seems to look the toughest came over.  He saw Jimin, he must've been tall as he was hanging over Jimins figure.  

Jimin was stepping back slowly.  He looked behind him and saw Yoongi protesting against the three other men.  Jimin saw the gun, a pistol,  and he could get that.  He was petite enough to slip through him and grab it.  Jimin thought it would be now or never.  Jimin ducked and lifted his hands out in order to grab it, he was successful in that.  Now it was the tough part.  He pointed it to the man and said, "release them or I swear I will shoot you."  His voice wavered and he mentally cursed himself for it.  The man responded, "I don't think you want to do that."  He stepped closer as Jimin stepped back, "I'll do it, don't think I will."  Jimin made the distance greater and put another hand on the gun.  The man had stepped closer again.  One of the other men came and said, "you're outmatched now, don't do this."  Jimin shook his head and saw Yoongi and Jungkook getting taken away.  Jimin had to have them in order to get home though. 

Jimin fell to the ground, "you know, you shouldn't take your eyes off the enemy."  The pistol was away from his reach.  It seems like he wasn't much help.  He tried to get up but someone pulled him up by his hands.  His only instinct was that he would knee him.  He bounced his leg to get the speed and swung it between the man's legs.  The man kneeled in pain and Jimin took the time to punch him in the face.  His fist hurt but he didn't really care.  Jungkook and Yoongi had broken free.  He almost forgot about the second man but it was too late when he saw darkness.

Okay, I'm spitting out chapters?  This is an interesting story and I might become sad when it ends.  My fish had died and it was my favourite one so I'm sad.  For those who don't know, an Empath is someone who feels peoples pain, happiness, sadness, anger or feeling what another person is feeling.  

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