Chapter Five

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Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung arrived at the place they were staying. The small house looked new and didn't have a lot of work, "so where were you, because apparently to Jungkook and Jimin, you disappeared." Jimin nodded and explained the whole thing, "well, there was someone who was chasing after us and I was too far behind that if I followed Jungkook and Taehyung we wouldn't get him off our tail," Jimin thought if that metaphor was made in the 1800s, it must have since Yoongi didn't get weird with that. Jimin continued, "and so I had to improvise, go a different way. So I hid between the cracks of the rock." Yoongi looked suspicious, "why would you risk your life for Jungkook and Taehyung?" Jimin couldn't exactly say a definite answer, he didn't know it either, "oh, I don't know, I can't answer now."

Yoongi nodded, his narrowed eyes full of wariness became softened but not as much. The softness was conspicuous for Jimin. Apparently, Jin saw it too. The rain had not ceased when the sun went down, Jimin got worried that it would never go away. He was outside just under a ledge and watched the water of the ocean. He didn't want to be on the ocean at night so he'll be content at just watching it. He was humming a tune his mom sang to him as a child. He heard a door open and then closed. He looked at the door and saw Yoongi. Jimin never had one on one time with him so he was intimidated.

"It's late and we have to get on the sea early so we can get back on course." Jimin nodded, "yeah, but I think I want to stay out here a little longer." Yoongi wasn't really that curious, "why?" Jimin shrugged, "I don't know, the waves are calming and the breeze is enlightening." Yoongi has to continue talking, "well, sometimes the waves aren't calming." Jimin nodded, "I know that. Right now, it's alright, and the stars, they're lovely, they'd probably looked prettier from all the way up there." Yoongi sat down, "you talk about stars like you haven't seen them. Also, you can't go all the way up there, it's impossible." Jimin wanted to laugh about that.

"I'd like to get married up there." Jimin bubbled out. For the first time, Yoongi laughed, "your thoughts are weird. I wouldn't want to take the risk." Jimin nodded, remembering to keep his mouth shut as to not to mess with history. Yoongi looked at the stars as well, "and besides, they are way too small, if there was a way, you'd have to get married on the moon. Again, it's impossible." Jimin nodded as he got up and went into the rain and smiled. Yoongi stared at him weirdly and asked, "did you go to the bar next door?" Jimin shook his head, "no." He closed his eyes and heard lightning in which he crumbled down. Jimin stood up and looked at Yoongi and stated, "lightning is such a mysterious way, it's loud and thunder is too bright." Yoongi smiled, "you got them mixed up." Jimin nodded, "oh, right, then lighting is too bright and thunder is too loud." Jimin smiled once again and went to a rock closer to the ocean as he shivered. Jimin got up after a minute and said to Yoongi with curious eyes, "let's go inside, we should sleep." With that, they went inside and went to bed

I was tempted to write this, "It was from a band called BTS, Yoongi came out and asked, "what are you singing?" Jimin stated, 'just a song.' Yoongi replied, 'sing it if you want.' Jimin did and Yoongi cut him off, 'I don't like the song.'" I'm also sorry, I'm half asleep when I wrote this

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