A murder mystery

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Warning: murder, death, slightly paranormal

I came to the bakery because i wanted a cherry turn over,but instead i found a body turned over my name is mina, i am a retired detective but i get called in when the rest of the new team is at a stalemate. Today i made the mistake of working alone. I did my usual routine i got up walked my chocolate lab hank for an hour or so, then drove to sally's bakery for breakfast. But today was a new day,when i entered i found a young man stabbed in the back. I walked into the back where the employees were still baking. "I didn't know you served dead bodies for breakfast and not dinner!" i said staring around the room, i saw 4 people where in today at the bakery. I moved my hand signaling to come to the front. Once they saw the blood covered man they all hid their faces or gasped. I pulled out my old badge showing i was with the law. I knew it had to be one of the four bakers. The first person i decided to question was miss sally grove, a new freshman in town that had been caught drinking under the influence about a week ago. My old cop buddies always keep me informed mostly to call me an old timer. I took her to the freezer area to ask her some questions. She was quiet and shy, she looked to be looking for an exit around me. "Hiya sally.do you know the boy who was murdered one wall away from you?" she fiddled with her fingers and slowly started to speak, "i saw him at school mostly once or twice, he never spoke to me.." she said reluctantly. "Did you hear a scream,even a thud of the body sally, remember you all are one wall away from a murder?" I asked. she stuttered a no and walked out of the room, i followed her and i watched her grab ahold of tony. I pointed at chuck to follow me into the ice box. Chuck was a nice kid so far that i knew but he was a little crazy his parents keep him locked away most of the time,they told me the boy writes about ungodly things. When he sat on top of the box of ice cream i asked him " did you know the boy who was found dead in this building?'" he rolled his eyes "of course i do he's the new kid,he beat the whole wrestling team at arm wrestling, and out aced me in english class." he said angrily. I didn't see him as the type to kill over and english grade but these days kids can be a couple screws loose if you ask me. He looked at me with fury. "you ,you honestly think i'd kill a man because he beat me in my passion of enligh, no way man!" he said storming out.  I rubbed my eyes, i really should call this in i haven't done this line of work in 34 years. I walked out to see the group around tony wideding. I pointed to shara for her to follow me as well, as we both sat down in the freezer she was already snap chatting. 'Um did you know the dead teenage boy?" i asked confused, i stared at her until she finally looked up off her phone. "yea , i've heard of him every girl wanted him and he didn't want them back." she said staring back at her phone. I started to ask another question but she cut me off. "He didn't even want me,i mean what a stuck up he dare call me and attention whore!!" she rushed out throwing her phone on the floor. They all sound a little guilty it's kinda off putting, i feel like i'm on a spinning carnival ride. I watched them all whispered to tony he glared up at me and walked into the ice box without saying anything.  I followed him witch made me feel drunk, like i could pass out from this young man's ora. I sat down in front of him he wouldn't stop making eye contact with me. "I didn't kill daniel,he was a useless nobody who doesn't deserve love." he said. He's the first one to tell me the boys name. I watched his eyes turn into a caring gaze. "Trust me we are all innocent, go find the real killer somewhere else he must of ran out." he said with pride. All i knew there was something wrong with this boy,he wasn't even storming out like the rest of them. His hand twitched, it felt like his anger filled the room. I paced around thinking about how everyone here had a motive,how everyone was emotional or hiding something. i started into his eyes trying to find some gleam of humanity. I noticed something. Sally and tony both had brown eyes and black hair. I asked him if they were related. his eyes turned back to the cold stones they were before. My brain kept turing, i stared at the wall. Everyone has  motives, everyone works here that means..they all did it together i mumbled.. Before i knew it i was watching my dead body being carried away by tony. Everyone planned to kill him but only tony had the nerve to take a life,even mine. This time the bad guy got away.

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