C = Chloe
A = Allan
N = Nikki
D = Destiny
E = Eric

C: Hey girls. When we gonna do da playdate?!

E: Soon.

N: When is soon daddy?!

D: My biwthday?

E: Wait when's your birthday?!

D = today..

A: Then it's settled. The girls have a day on the town.

E: You sure bro?

A: If you want I can call Sarah and have her go with the girls.

C: Yay!!

E: Okay. It's set.

D: Yay!!

N: Yay!!!


I was dressed in a cute strawberry dress. It was so nice.

"Nikki c'mere buddy!" Sarah said as she got us together.

"Ywes ma'am.." Nikki said as she messed with her sparkling jeans.

Can I admit the squad looked so cute?

"Alright." Sarah said. "You have my number if things get bad."

"Alright." Charlotte said as she hugged us.

"Get in Destiny." Sarah's boyfriend Tony said.

"Yessir." she nodded.

"Be good." Eric said.

"I will be good." Nikki giggled.

"Stay safe babydoll." Daddy whispered to me.

"Ywes dada." I replied as Sarah buckled me.

They had a nice van. Nice and cool. Perfect for the June warmth.

I could tell Eric was nervous about everything. He waved and looked like he was gonna cry.

"Girls!" Tony said as Sarah drove. "Where to first?"

"Shopping?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Destiny giggled.

Road trip!!

Sarah was kind enough to let us pick some songs. So naturally we all chose Disney songs. Poor Tony and Sarah. But they didn't seem to care. Actually after a while they put on some new rock band. They had this song called "Overwhelmed". It was good tho!


When we got to where we were going, we stopped and got out. Immediately the warmth greeted me with a nice June breeze.

"Where do we start?" Sarah asked.

"Macy's?" I asked.

"Yes!!!" Everyone agreed.

We walked up and noticed it was closed. Aw man..

But a guy flipped the sign to open and unlocked the door.


"Good morning everyone and welcome to Macy's!" the guy said.

We walked around until we got to the toys section. People were starting to stare at us. Uh oh..

"Excuse me?" a lady asked. "Can I ask why you're looking at children's toys?"

Fortunately I was used to this. Mom always gave me a good excuse.

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