************************************~~Mark's POV~~

I got up and walked downstairs. It was definitely a warm morning. Perfect for a jog. Or even a ride. I smiled and walked into the garage. Dad's Ford was in pretty good shape. Mom's van wasn't too bad. Eric enjoyed his Crown Vic. Couldn't blame him. But I had a thing for speed.

"Morning handsome." Charlie ((I called her that)) said as she hugged me.

"Morning Charlie." I said as I wiped my hands clean. "Pepper just needed a polish."

"You named your motorcycle?" she asked.

"Yes I did." I replied. "Because I felt it deserved a name. I'll take you for a ride sometime."

Suddenly my brother walked down. He was pissed.

"I gotta go." Eric said as he tried to fix his uniform.

"Need a hand bro?" I asked.

"No." Eric replied. "I got it."

He drove off and I just stood there. It was weird. I felt like I was lost. Then I started up Pepper.

"That's loud!" Charlie squeaked.

"It is indeed." I replied. "At least her engine is running smoothly."

Allan ran down and handed me some coffee.

"Freshly brewed." Allan said.

"Nice." I smiled. "I'll definitely need this since we have our show tonight."

"I just called Peter." Allan said. "The equipment is all set up. His dad already got the amps and speakers. Now we just need everyone to show up."

I chuckled. My baby bro knew this gig was big. Ever since we formed our band, the Long Island Street Geeks, it's been weird. We got a gig every now and then. A birthday party here. A graduation or wedding there. A Relay for Life even. This was our best chance for a big break. We had the soundtrack ready from the moment we secured the gig. With us graduating in a few weeks, it was now or never.

I walked outside and smiled. Our neighbors must've accidentally put pride flags on our lawn again. They did it every year. I didn't really care. Mom encouraged us to support human rights and especially gay rights. Even after Leah came out last summer.

Suddenly a bright blue Ram drove into the driveway.

"No fuckin way." I whispered.

Allan smiled. "I'll get mom and dad."

Leah walked up and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my goodness how you've grown!" she said as I hugged her back.

"You've been gone for almost a year." I sighed.

"Thanks for that Captain Obvious." Leah chuckled.

"You're welcome." I chuckled.

"Leah!" Mom said as she hugged her.

"Hi Mom! Hi Dad!" Leah said as dad joined in the hugging.

"Hey sweetheart." Dad said as he hugged her. "Come in! Breakfast is just about ready."

We all walked up to see Destiny and Nikki had finished setting the table. Chloe was putting the pancakes and bacon on the table, alongside potatoes and toast. It all smelled amazing.

"What smells so good?" Allan asked.

"The food." Chloe replied as she hugged him. "Dig in!"

************************************~~Chloe's POV~~

Allan was so warm.

Then I felt it. A light squeeze of my bottom.

Allan grabbed my butt.

I immediately began to blush as he also blushed.

I had a feeling I'd get that bastard back.

Later, I was walking down the hall with a freshly washed load of laundry. Already nice and folded. I knocked on his door and fixed my sexy maid outfit that I decided to wear.

"Come in" Allan grumbled.

I walked in. "Laundry delivery!"

"Nice!" Allan smiled. "Can you set out my Monster Jam shirt? I need it for tonight's show."

I got that for him.

"Thanks cutie." Allan said as he sat down.

"You're welcome, handsome." I said as I began to walk away.

I stopped at the door and smirked.

I blew him a kiss and wiggled my ass.

He bit his lip and stood.

I ran, laughing my ass off.

"Oh my God I'm in so much trouble now!" I thought as I ran to my room.

I walked into my room and screamed.


Destiny lay there. Unresponsive.

Then I saw the pills.

She'd overdosed..

I fumbled for my phone. I tried my best to not cry. I feared it was too late.

"Chloe what was that-" Charlotte began. Then she gasped. "What the fuck happened to Destiny?!"

"Call 911!" Nikki yelled.


Destiny lay in the hospital. She looked dead. I was crying.

Suddenly a doctor came over.

"She'll make it." he said. "But she's gonna have to stay here for a few days."

"I'll stay with her." Nikki said.

"Me too." Eric replied.

"Alright." the doctor said. "Everyone else can go home."

I hugged Allan as they guided us out. I felt safe in his arms.

"The show's still on right?" I asked.

"Definitely." he replied as he pecked my forehead.

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