
The slap was quick and definitely NOT painless.

It had been a month since I was taken here. Not much had changed. I figured they were saving the broken girls for a big auction. I guess I was right because Franklin's brother was punishing me.

"Fuck off you sadistic creep!" I cried.

That only made the punishment worse.

A new list was on the wall this time. I saw it and gasped.

They'd broken Charlotte.

Nikki was a tough cookie. Destiny and Violet were tough.

I had been used like a toy.

One day, I woke up to being tied to a bed. Great.

Franklin walked in and smirked. That same smirk I used to fear.

"Let me go!" I growled.

"Shut up you pathetic whore!" Franklin spat on my face. Ew.

"Kiss my ass." I spat back as I bit him.

He began to choke me. No not the safe and sexy way. The "I'm gonna strangle you" way.

"You will learn some respect for me." he panted.

"You're not my daddy anymore idiot!" I replied. "You belong in prison!"

He covered my mouth.

I bit his hand. And tasted blood.

He then knocked me out.


The nights were hard. Especially after you're in excruciating pain from hardcore sex. Did I say sex? Yeah. Franklin raped me. I was actually crying from the pain. I just wanted to be free..

Over the next few weeks, it got worse until eventually I broke. But I was not gonna accept the bullshit anymore.

I decided to hang myself in the middle of the night.

I set up the noose where no one would find me. I wanted to just die.


Nikki saw me. Crap.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing.." I lied as I tied the noose around my neck.

"Bullshit." Nikki sighed.

I tipped the stool over.

"Chloe no!"

"Get her down!"


Everyone cut me down.


That night, I expected a beating. Or to be raped. Or anything.

All I got instead was a cuddle session with Charlotte and Nikki. They were so warm!!!

I slowly began to cry myself to sleep.

Brian, Franklin's brother, must've heard because he grabbed me by the hair and slapped me.

"No crying." Brian growled. "Or I'll make sure you don't cry again.

I shook.

Then I noticed a puddle at my feet.

"Poor bitch pissed herself." Brian chuckled as he marched away.

And there was blood in it too.

Fuck. Forgot about my period. Dammit.

I looked at the list.

Everyone except for the new girl, Dianne, was broken.


I thought Nikki and Violet would make it.

But I guess everyone breaks.

The next day was the auction.

At least one would stay behind.

I had a feeling it would be me. Because it seemed they loved to torture me. I shivered as I slept.


I was in a cage. Great. Shit goes from bad to WORSE.

But at least Dale, Franklin's other brother, was sweet.

"I'm so sorry.." he sighed.

"It's okay." I hugged him as he helped me in. He was a sweetheart!

Some man had just purchased Destiny. Cost them $390. Money well spent in my opinion. Destiny seemed happy.

The bids for me went up and up. I wound up getting sold for $550. I was nervous.

The winner walked back and smiled. He seemed nice. Then I saw he had Charlotte and Nikki. Yay!

"Come with me." the man said.

He walked us outside and into a big limo. I was honestly ready to fall asleep. So..tired..

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