Glaring at dad a moment longer Rose made her way to her room for she had just an hour to get ready before Matt showed up.

Picking out an LBD with short sleeves cinched at waist with short flares nearing the knees, catty heels and a floral printed scarf to add some color, Rose tied her hair up in a high ponytail. A dash of mascara and a tint of pink gloss was all she needed as warpaint now.

Matt was right on time ten minutes to 5pm as per his punctuality, dressed in a crisp dark blue cotton shirt rolled up to his sleeves and dark black jeans with black shoes.

The combination gave him the aura of a dark modern-day Lord. His smirk matched the impression but his eyes were soft as if appreciating the feminine beauty in front of him. Rose couldn't help the blush that crept on her cheeks and the lick of lust she felt seeing his sinewy forearms wondering of the labor that earned him these.

She would let today take its own course.

For once she wouldn't wonder of the consequences that tomorrow held.

The after-effects this coffee date could have.

She is a girl.

He is a boy.

They don't have a past.

They don't have a future.

They just have a couple of hours where it didn't matter if they shared a cup of coffee sitting on the kerb as long as their companionship and conversation was as magical as it promised.

"You look beautiful." Matt said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"You look dapper yourself." Rose smiled back.

Matt held out his hand for Rose. She slipped her hand tentatively into warm hands that held hers snuggly as if it were a perfect fit. Matt led her out towards his Porsche Cayenne which shone in the evening light.

"Someone loves speed." Rose commented.

"Someone appreciates passion." Matt replied with a beaming face.

"Life isn't worth living without a passion." Rose smiled back with a thoughtful look.

"Well-said." Matt replied with a thoughtful expression of his own.

Once they were seated and had seatbelts in place Rose said, "Can we please avoid talks of work for this evening?" Matt looked at her with a faintly stunned look, "I was going to ask the same," and added with a smile, "We think alike." which was close to a murmur but Rose caught it.

Smiling to herself and looking down on her pink nails she asked,"So where are we off to?"

Matt replied driving at a speed which was doing no justice to his car, "I did have trouble deciding on a place. Reservations for the best of restaurants in Boston wouldn't have been an issue but I didn't want any disturbance retaining every freedom so I hope you like where we go."

"I hope am appropriately dressed." Rose asked innocently as it hit her now that there could be a dress code and she missed out on confirming with Matt.

In her defense he did say they were going out for coffee.

"You are dressed perfectly." Matt smiled back at her.

"Can we listen to the same music we were hearing the last time?"

"Of course we can, it really calms my nerves." Matt replied.

A minute after the music hit a soft note Matt asked, "Are you nervous?"

Looking up to Matt Rose replied,"No am not. I really like this composition and you are yet to share it."

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