Chapter 13

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Jalayna stretched as she got up in the afternoon. The bike hadn't seemed to take as long as she thought, because she had heard her brother come in not long after she thought, because she had heard her brother come in not long after she got out of the shower. He had gotten up early and headed to school for first period, because he had a test, but he would leave early so that he could get some more sleep.

"Jay! How was your trip?" Ray asked, smiling, as she walked into the diner with a yawn.

"Very informative." She said, grinning back at him.

"So you know more about what you had questions on?" He asked, attempting to be discreet. Jalayna held back a smile.

"No." She shook her head. Not about that. I have another trip I'll have to take tonight about some other information I gained." Ray opened his mouth to respond just as the bell rang, signaling someone was at the door. Jalayna only shook her head, and when to go seat the customers.

"Jael! You're back!" Jackson and Jefferson called from the door, smiling.

"Hey you two. How was school?"

"Boring. Ken left halfway through saying he wasn't feeling well."

"Well I hope he's okay." She said, appearing concerned.

"Well we missed you too!" Jackson said.

"Aww, aren't you so sweet." Jalayna grinned. "Where can I seat you guys today?"

"An area by the kitchen would be nice, so we can sit and talk with you," Jefferson replied with a grin.

"Can do!" Jalayna replied happily, grabbing them menus.

"Ewww!" She heard while her back was turned. Her face took on a scowl before quickly masking it back to a neutral face.

"Myra." Jalayna calmly turned back towards the door, doing her best to keep her emotions in check. She almost faltered at seeing Blaz right next to her, but forced herself to keep her composure, despite the betrayal that ran quick through her veins. "Alpha Blaz," she bowed her head ever so slightly, "Myra, if I may ask, what has bothered you about the establishment?"

"It's not the establishment, whatever that means. It's you. I can't believe you work here!" Her squawking was bothering Jalayna's ears, but she tried not to sigh. She felt a scowl slip onto her face before she could stop it.

"I'm sorry it's so horrible to see me. I can have someone else seat and serve you if you would like. I'm actually in the process of seating someone else. Please just wait a minute while I..."

"Wait?! I can't believe you, you ungrateful rogue. Go out and kill for a living why don't you? You don't belong in civilized company." Myra interrupted her, taking a threatening step forward. Jalayna's countenance turned from one of disbelief to rage in moments. She opened her mouth to say something – probably something that she'd regret later – when Ray cut in.

"Jay, go ahead and finish with your customers." Jalayna shut her mouth and settled for glaring at Myra before schooling her expression and placing a reluctant grin on her face towards her coworker and the twins.

"I'm sorry for the interruption guys. Right by the kitchen you said?"

"Jay are you ok?" Jackson asked as they walked away, looking concerned.

"I'm fine. Or I will be. I just need to get back to work." The twins hesitated before allowing her to seat them. Ray looked angry as he seated Blaz and Myra right next to the booth she had sat the twins. Their distress grew as Myra continued her threats and insults all throughout dinner as Jay walked past and served them.

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