Chapter 5

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"Let go." Jalayna said quietly, looking nervously around her. Blaz only looked at her with confusion in his eyes, like she was a puzzle that needed to be solved. "Let go!" She said louder. He finally let her go, as if he had been burned.

"I... Why didn't I sense you until now?"

"I don't know what's going on, but I think it's best to walk away from here for a little while." Ken said nervously, glancing at his sister. "We can talk about this later ok?" Jalayna nodded and took the opportunity to walk out of the room. Blaz made to follow, but was stopped by Ken. "Alpha, I don't know what the hell just happened, but I do know my sister. What happened freaked her out, so let her go. We'll talk about it later, I promise."

"Ken, what's the rest of her schedule for the day?"

"A free period, then Gym, and art."

"Seth, are you in any of those?"

"I'm in the last two."

"Watch her. Please." He turned his eyes towards his Beta. Kenelm made to protest, but Blaz stopped him with a hand. "I get it. She needs time. But I need to make sure she's safe." Kenelm nodded and then walked towards his next class.

Is this apart of the curse that our mother talked about so long ago? He wondered. And why did Jalayna run from her mate? We've waited all our lives just to find our mates, only for her to walk away. There was so much fear in her eyes when he held her hand. He vowed to get answers later, but knew that the Alpha would have his own questions as well.

"Alpha are you sure that she is your mate?" He heard the Beta question the Alpha behind him.

"I'm positive. I don't know why I didn't sense it before. I'm going home early to do some research and see what I can find. Just do me a favor and keep an eye on her."

I'm sure the Beta will do a good job of keeping an eye on my sister, not like she really needs it. He chuckled. He hoped that the Alpha would be willing to share the information that he found out. Because if he knew his sister, she was just as confused as he was.


Jalayna decided that she would spend her free period in the library. She thought there might be some resources she could use to figure this little problem out.

Why didn't I sense it sooner? Why was it touch? And running like that, he probably thinks I'm going to reject him. I could never do that; I just don't know what to do. Her thoughts were a whirlwind.

"Oh hey, Jael right?" Jalayna was startled from her musings. She looked up and it was the girl that had stopped her in the hall earlier.

"Hey, Yeah, you're Uh, Astrid right?"

"Yup! Do you have a free period as well?" She asked, looking excited.

"Oh, uh, yeah."

"That's so cool!" Jalayna couldn't help but smile a little at the girl's enthusiasm.

"That it is. So where are you from?"

"Oh I live in the area. I'm actually a part of the Aldrich pack here. I've just been away at a boarding school. Mom and Dad thought it would be a good idea, since I wanted to see the world so bad. They decided to send me to a friend of theirs in England for a while. Well I wanted to see the world and I was a bit of a troublemaker."


"Yeah, not exactly stuff that I'm proud of."

"I understand that." Jalayna said, leaning back in her chair.

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