Chapter 8

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"Jael!" Ray called from the back.

"Excuse me. I have another table to take care of." She said, walking away. "Thanks Ray. They just couldn't seem to stop talking."

"No problem hun. Your brother is here. Group table, and they asked for you."

"Sounds great. Could you stick them close to my other tables so I can easily serve them?"

"Sure. We're pretty empty right now so that won't be a problem."

"Thanks. I thought he had practice though?"

"From the looks of it, they just had a meeting and then convinced the coach to come here." Jalayna laughed, shaking her head.

"Of course they did. I'll get them once I'm done. Ter! Is my food up?" She asked, turning to him.

"It's right there!" He shouted back, looking slightly annoyed. She chuckled at him before replying.

"Thanks Ter! You're the best." She called to make him feel better.

"Sure thing." He rolled his eyes but smiled. She smiled back before turning to take the food to the table. She could only hope the damage was minimal.

"Blaz, Seth, here's your guys food. Sorry it took so long. Let me know if you need anything else."

"Sure. Thanks." Blaz smiled warmly at her.

"Jay!" Her brother called to her, jumping up and giving her a hug. She laughed.

"K! Come on! I'm on the job."

"Even better. Means we can get some shakes." Jackson walked up and patted her on the back.

"Sure! Go ahead and take a seat and I'll get your orders started." She said, than pulled her brother aside. "Keep an eye on that couple." She began a whispered conversation. "They're asking too many questions." He glanced over at them, before looking back at her and nodding. They walked back to the table, and Jalayna noticed Timothy, one of her regulars, sitting at the table.

"You two would make a cute couple. If you weren't related that is." He said.

"You're gross." Jalayna said, her face wrinkling.

"Only for you babe." He shot back.

"I'll tell your mate you said that." Kenelm told him.

"Awww now you're teaming up against me." Timothy complained.

"You deserve it!" The team said laughing. Jalayna got their drinks and stopped to check on the couple before walking back to the kitchen. She was pouring the drinks when a headache hit her full force. She gripped the counter tighter and shook her head just a little as it began to clear up.

"Jay!" Ray called. She looked up and he was right beside her, a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" She took a couple deep breaths before straightening and nodding her head.

"I'm fine, thanks."

"That was not fine." Ray said, looking down at her. Jalayna glanced down and saw that she had dropped one of the drinks that she had been pouring.

"It was a really bad headache that's all. The force of it coming on blinded me for a minute. It's gone now."

"People don't just get headaches like that, especially not you Jay. Come on, I'm getting you to a hospital."

"No! No hospitals. I'm fine. It's gone now."

"I don't like this."

"I promise you Ray, I'm fine. It happens. This one just caught me by surprise."

"Are you sure? Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" He said it like a statement.

"Forget it. I know you were really looking forward to watching the game. Don't worry about me Ray. I'm a big girl who can take care of herself." Ray sighed knowing he had lost this battle.

"Fine. But I'm taking you drinks to the table." Jalayna sighed as he took the tray from her. She re-poured the drink she had dropped and carried it out behind him.

"Ray!" She heard the call from her brother, and the whoops and hollers from his team. She didn't miss the curious look he sent her way, which she dismissed with a shake of her head. She would explain it when there wasn't too many listening ears.

"Hey Ray, such a gentlemen." She heard Tim say. "I'm surprised Jay let you be one. When's the wedding." Ray chuckled at the comment.

"Keep wishing Tim. You won't see anything in our future. It'd be like marrying a sister." Jalayna and Kenelm made faces at each other.

"So gross, can we stop talking about sibling couples when it comes to my sister please?" Kenelm said, cringing. Ray chuckled again before turning away, sending a meaningful glance at Jalayna that told her to get him if she needed anything. She rolled her eyes before turning to the group.

"Do you all know what you want to eat?' She asked.

"Nope." The chorus came back.

"I'll be back then!" She said cheerfully before moving to Blaz and Seth's table. "How are you guys doing?"

"This is delicious!" Seth exclaimed. Jalayna laughed.

"I'll be sure to pass that along to Terrance. He's always complaining that he's underappreciated back in the kitchen. What about you?" She asked, turning to Blaz.

"Very good."

"Glad to hear it." She begun to turn when Blaz grabbed her arm. She shuddered at the contact; sparks flying up her arm. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, before closing it.

"It... it's really very good." He sort of mumbled, before letting her go.

"Thanks you." Jalayna gave him a confused look before turning towards the couple's table. How's your pie suiting you?" She asked.

"It was a good pie. Thank you for your recommendation." The woman said.

"Tell me young woman. Is there anyone here I could talk to about the missing Mallory kids? See, they were related to my family, and I'm really concerned about them." Jalayna could feel Kenelm's concern through their bond, meaning it was a really strong emotion. Inner panic ran through both of them.

"You were family huh? Well I suppose you could talk to the Alpha. He'll have all the information you require. I'm surprised they never sought you out when it initially happened." "Oh we aren't very liked in the family for having different opinions. You said the Alpha? Mind pointing me towards the pack?"

"Sure. Just head farther into town. Someone will be able to point you towards the pack house."

"Great, thanks."

"Sure thing. Ray will check you folks out." She opened her pad and pulled out the printed receipt. "Hope your search goes well." She watched as they paid and walked out.

"Jael, why didn't you tell them the Alpha was right here?" Seth asked. Jalayna turned, seeing the tables looking at her.

"I don't like him. He was asking too many questions about things he should already know, especially if he was family. I'd be careful with that one Blaz. Something's off."

"Agreed." Blaz nodded before turning back to his food. Jalayna caught Kenelm's worried look before he could mask his face. She watched Seth glance at her with his eyes narrowed, before turning back to his food as well. She'd have to be careful. Seth was smart. He wasn't certain, she hadn't given him any genuine proof, but the facts were there if he dug deep enough. And that could be potentially bad for everyone.

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