Chapter 4

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The final class before lunch was a good one, with Jackson and Jefferson both in that class as well. When the bell rang signaling lunch, the four walked out together, laughing at a joke Jackson had told. Kenelm got in line to grab himself and his sister something to eat, so she followed the other two to a table.

"I meant to ask earlier, but why are you and Ken so close? It's just a little unusual how much you two look out for each other." Jackson pulled out his sandwich after his question. Jalayna shrugged.

"We just do. Grandma was sick years before she died."

"Your Grandmother took care of you?"

"Our parents died when we were young. She wasn't exactly our grandma, just someone who took care of us after that. She provided a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs."


"It wasn't a lot, but it was something. We did the best we could with what we had. I guess we just bonded because of it." She responded.

"That makes sense..." Jeff began, before Jack cut him off.

"Don't start in on one of your psychology rants now Jeff. We're just starting to eat."

"But psychology is so cool!" He protested.

"That it is. But I would like to eat my meal with better conversation than you ranting all the time!"

"Let's not. How about you both cool down." Jalayna got in the middle, not wanting a fight to break out between the two.

"We are cool." Jeff said, his fro bouncing as he bobbed his head, pretending to look cool.

"We're amazing." Jack agreed, causing Jalayna to laugh.

"Sure you are." She laughed, the twins joining her. She glanced over to see what was taking her brother so long and noticed that he had been pulled aside by the Alpha.

'What's up?' She linked him, noticing that he seemed to be glancing her direction.

'Alpha wants to know how we hid our scents.' Jalayna sighed realized that she had forgotten to give him the go ahead on that.

'Go for it. We can't hide something like this from them. If they ask why then just tell them we were hiding.'

'So the truth?'

'Vaguely but yes.' She watched as he absentmindedly nodded, turning back to his conversation. She turned back to the twins, not really listening to their conversation. He came to the table and was immediately questioned by the twins anyway.

"What did the Alpha want?" They asked as one.

"Just to know how we hid our scent."

"How exactly did you manage that?" Jeff leaned forward as if he was about to hear a deep dark secret.

"Specific type of perfume and cologne mix. Don't ask me, Jael knows." They all looked at her expectantly, but she just winked at them.

"A girls gotta have some secrets!"

"Aw come on! Scent masking has been an art no one has seemed to perfect, yet you have managed it somehow."

"I, for one, admit that I'm just a bit curious." A deep voice said, introducing himself to the table.

"Alpha!" The twins exclaimed, bowing their head slightly out of respect.

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