Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Yes, sir?"

"Stay with him at all times, both of you if possible. Be on high alert whenever he isn't with me or Viv. Any more sightings of Abyzou I want informing of immediately, no matter the time or place."

"Understood, sir," Ravana and Nimue were familiar with how vague they had to be when around the reincarnations. They may have had questions, but they weren't able to voice them with Dove nearby, that was the policy that Eryll had set in stone many millennia ago.

"Keep him safe, Ravana, not a scratch on him."

"Of course, sir," Eryll didn't bother to have the phone returned to Dove since he and Vivek were already late for their meeting. He simply hung up, knowing any questions that Dove felt were imperative could be answered by Nimue and Ravana. Even if their answers were different to what Eryll would give.

"Why on earth would Abyzou surface like this? Why make himself known? Why not kill Dove the first time he saw the boy?" Vivek began with his flurry of questions, asking far too many before he seemed to notice the expression on Eryll's face, "he'll be fine, Eryll," Vivek rested a hand on Eryll's shoulder, knocking the man from the trance he had fallen into, "Ravana and Nimue will keep his safe, they always have."

"I know," Eryll forced out, his voice monotonous and stiff, "I know."

Over the millennia, Eryll had gotten to know Vivek's ever-growing coven rather well. He was overtly familiar with the elder members, and the younger tended to take to him quite well. He knew there was fear spread amongst them, he couldn't do anything to change that, in fact, it was rather comforting to know that every witch affiliated wouldn't dare to defy him or Vivek. It gave the man some sense of security, there would not likely ever be a betrayal.

Eryll had attended nearly every coven meeting that Vivek held, giving up his night once every three months, sometimes even bringing whatever reincarnation of Olha he was with at the time. Due to his royal blood, it meant he was sacred, and highly useful for any rituals that Vivek wanted to perform. If he was present, Vivek could simply draw some of his blood, rather than sacrificing multiple people.

"Good afternoon, Eryll," a faint smile managed to curve Eryll's lips at the voice behind him, with the man immediately turning on his heel.

"Eliphas," Eryll shook the elder man's hand, "it's nice to see you."

"I would say the same but I see you often enough," Eliphas was gifted with the ability to see through other's eyes, and frequently chose to check up on Vivek that way, since he was unable to see through Eryll's eyes, he would use Adelard, "Dove seems like a nice boy, although, there hasn't been a reincarnation that hasn't."

"He is," Eryll's smile widened for just a second before his lips returned to that plain line that remained when he was in his true form, "how have you been, Eliphas?" the witch waved his hand absently, little sparks of black energy licking at his fingertips.

"Life bores me, Eryll, humans are so tedious. Lucretia is the only light in this age of darkness," almost six millennia ago, Eliphas had confided in Eryll that he had fallen in love with a human, after abstaining from love since the earlier years of his life. Eryll turned the woman, gladly, and Eliphas had insisted he would forever be in the demon's debt.

"The only light, oraculi?" Vivek inquired, having joined the two men seconds before.

"How can you possibly be a light if you contain none, puer?" Vivek chuckled lowly, hugging Eliphas in a tight embrace, knowing the witch was far less fragile than his ancient form looked to be. Eliphas was Vivek's mentor, and had been since the witch had been old enough to control his own powers, even if he had taken a brief break from the craft.

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