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Travis and Connor Stool. Twin sons of Hermes. They spent most of their time pranking people or hanging out. When they werent together Travis would be with Katie (TRATIE!!!!) and Connor would be with Leo, working ona project (shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone).

It was their birthday. Connor got up early that morning to get the gift her and Leo made. It was a staff like their fathers. Travis always wanted one.

All day Connor avoided Travis until their party. Over the course of the day Travis got more and mote upset at the fact his own twin brother didn't want to hang out with him. On their birthday of all days.

It was time for the party and Travis was nowhere to be found.

"It's your fault he's not here. If you didn't avoid him all day mabye he would have been here!" Katie told Connor.

"Well I was busy making this for him". Connor showed every one the gift he made for his brother.

All everyone was done looking at iy Katie finally told Connor that Travis was at Zeus' fist.

After what felt like forever he finally found him.

"I'm sorry I avoided you all day, I was busy making sure your gift was ready by tonight" Connor said as he handed Travis the wrapped gift.

Travis starred at it in aww. It was exactly what he wanted.

All in all everything was good. They went to the party and had fun.

\AN: I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated, I just have been so caught up in my school work, that my brain was stuck. But here you go. I know it probaly sucks, but it was first thing I thought of. Hope you like it. bye my Fuzy Bunnies. Until nxt time./

What If? PJO/HOO oneshots ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang