Frazel Proposal

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Frank and Hazel have been together since the great about 5-6 years...Frank felt like it was the right time to propose to Hazel. So with a little help from the rest of the seven and Nico. They prepared some of Hazel's favorite foods. The sun was setting. Nico had Hazel blindfolded and was leading her to the beach. Once she took it off she was so surprised. She looked at the water to see words made out of water-curtiosy if Percy-that said 'Hazel, Will You Marry Me'. When she turned back around she saw Frank on one knee holding a box with a diamond ring in it. Hazel automatically said yes. That was the happiest day of her life

What If? PJO/HOO oneshots ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora