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Aulea lay currently dead in the infirmary in the medical bed beside Stupeo's, Amethyst standing beside her and stroking her head.

"So what now?" Gladio asked, folding his arms. Amethyst stopped stroking the other female's head. She saw Aulea had the amulet they were supposed to find and took it off her.

"Mission half accomplished. We have the real amulet now." Amethyst held up the said object. Ruby picked up a Phoenix Down from one of the medical tables.

"And now we can have our Queen." She said. Stupeo held up a hand, stopping her.

"I don't think that is the best idea. The amulet allows someone to take the Starscourge from others. Keeping this prevents her from doing so. If we revive her, she could do to us what she did to Amethyst and could have done to Artemis."

"So we just leave her like this? Doesn't leaving her dead destroy the whole point of looking for her?" Prompto asked.

"Our original task was to retrieve the amulet." Nyx replied.

"If the King can ask the Oracle to cure her of the scourge, then that's what will happen. Once that's done, we can revive her." Crowe jumped in, her arms folded.

"And then what do we do about the person she got the scourge from? Do we know who she got it from?" Prompto asked more questions.

"She got it from Ardyn Lucis Caelum. You've probably never heard of him." Amethyst replied

"You ask a lot of questions." Nyx commented, his arms folded.

"And he's right. Some of those questions are things we didn't even begin to consider. We'll find and kill Ardyn when this is over." Crowe replied, looking to Nyx, then Prompto.

"And um.....what if the Oracle says no?" Prompto asked.


"Shut it, Nyx. It wasn't a bad question." Crowe cut him off. "It is possible for the Oracle to say no, but she'd never say no to someone with the scourge." Crowe continued with a slight smile. Prompto nodded.

"So...we wait until we can reach the Oracle? We don't know how long that'll be." Ruby asked and said.

"For now, we'll return the amulet to his highness. We'll worry about everything else afterwards. Then we can all get some rest. It's getting late." Nyx said, followed by a nod in agreement from everyone else.

"Goodness, what have they done to you?" Ardyn asked in his ever so sarcastic tone of voice, standing beside Aulea. He leaned down closer to her face, smirking. "Just as I thought. You're even more stunning when you're dead. I could stare for all eternity. But's not time for you to lay lifeless yet." Ardyn took the Phoenix down off the table and gave it to her. Not long after did her eyes slowly open, Ardyn being the first thing she sees.

"You've come for me, my king." She said in a low tone. He chuckled.

"Of course. You're still needed, little withering butterfly." Ardyn replied, holding out his hand. Aulea took his hand and got up from the medical bed, then let go of his hand and left the infirmary followed by Ardyn.

"Playtime is over, it's time we leave." He said. Aulea turned to him.

"Already? I was just starting to have fun." She smiled. Facing away from the window, her face was dark, making her eyes glow brighter.

She stared directly into Ardyn's eyes. He hadn't said a word as he stared back into her eyes. She chuckled and walked up to him, circling around the much taller male. Making it back to his front, she stood just centimeters from him. She got up on her toes, getting closer to his face. Once close enough, she let her lips lightly touch his cheek before disappearing in black smoke, Ardyn disappearing after her.

Aulea stood atop the Citadel. She stared out into the distance with a slight smile on her face, her jet black locks blending in with the night. That was, until she realised something.

"The amulet. I don't have it." She said to herself, her eyes widening a bit. Ardyn walked up next to her.

"What's that?" He asked. She looked up at him.

"I no longer have the amulet." She repeated with slight worry in her eyes. "They must have taken it from me." she looked back out to insomnia.

"You don't have it? You realize that was the one thing taking this rubbish away from me, don't you?!" He yelled. She gulped.

"I-I'm sure the Oracle could do it. She wields those powers--......why take the amulet when you could've asked her? Now I also suffer from this!" Aulea yelled, reality practically hitting her in the face. Ardyn just slapped her.

"Don't ever disrespect--"

"Don't disrespect you..? Don't disrespect you!? You've haunted me all these years, played with my head. All this and the Oracle could've helped you! Why come after me?....Why wait thousands of years to cure yourself!?" Aulea went on. "...If I kill you now...I can then go to the Oracle myself and end your dumb reign!" Aulea sad. Ardyn raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, and you think you can do that?" He asked simply. Aulea nodded. Summoning her own Royal arms and warping at him, Ardyn doing the same.

Yeah sorry this chapter is extra short, I honestly didn't know what else to do with it 😅😅😅 I'm not even sure how much longer this story is gonna be. There's not much for me to stretch out. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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