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        Aulea ran down the hallway, holding up the front of her dress so she wouldn't trip. Regis ran behind her. They both smiled and laughed, having a good time playing their childish games. Aulea got tired and turned around, admitting her defeat. Regis caught up and picked her up, spinning her around playfully. He put her down afterward, ending the game with their final giggles. Aulea's mother and Regis' mother walked up to them soon after with warm smiles on their faces.

        "Aulea, it's time to go home now." Aulea's mother said to her. Aulea frowned a bit. She looked to Regis.

        "I had fun, Regis. I look forward to our next visit." She said politely with a curtsey. Regis bowed to her.

        "Of course. I hope to see you soon." He replied, gently lifting her hand and kissing it sweetly. Aulea blushed slightly before parting with Regis. He and his mother escorted them out, waving their last goodbyes.

        'I miss her already..' Regis thought with a sigh. His mother looked at him and smirked a bit.

        "Miss her already, Regis?" She asked. Regis nodded.

        "Yeah..I wish she could sleep over, as strange as it may sound." Regis admitted.

        "Oh heavens no. If that were to happen, you'd probably have an heir already. And my goodness are you too you young for that." She replied, walking with him back inside.

        "W-We haven't even had our wedding, mom." He replied, blushing. His mother chuckled.

        "Exactly. All the more reason for her to have to go back home everytime. And Sundosia isn't terribly far from here. You two spend plenty of time together as it is." His mother went about her day, off to find her husband, the king.

        During the trip home on a royal vessel, Aulea started to feel an uncomfortable pit form in her stomach. It wasn't sea sickness either. It was getting dark, and that scared her. Being trapped out at sea, feeling a strange presence, being unable to run anywhere unless she jumped in the water, which was dangerous itself at night.

        "Aulea." She heard her name being called. In her head, it sounded faint. A deep voice calling to her. She didn't answer, fearing something would happen if she did. The voice started to sound clearer every second as her name was continuously called, until a hand touched her shoulder, causing her to jump and turn, coming face to face with her mother.

        "Oh...goodness, mom, you startled me." Aulea held her hand over her heart, feeling it pound in her chest.

        "I'm sorry, sweetie. I just wanted to let you know we'll be arriving home in another half hour so get ready." Aulea nodded.

"Of course, mom." She smiled.

        Aulea layed in her bed that night, staring at the ceiling. She used to be able to sleep so well. Like a baby, even. But lately, she had been sleeping for only an hour or two before waking up to sounds from right in her room.

        She turned on her left side, hoping she could fall asleep that way. But it hadn't worked. She sighed, turning the opposite way. Her eyes widened when she saw Ardyn standing in the corner, with his yellow glowing eyes and the starscourge spreading over him. She sat up quickly, frightened and unsure of what was going on. He quickly walked closer to her, holding his arm out. She screamed, shifting back in her bed. When she blinked, Ardyn was gone. Guards came rushing into her room, armed with weapons.

        "Your highness!!" They all yelled. Her mother and father were behind the guards. Aulea was hugging her knees on her bed. She was teary eyed as she looked at all of them. Her father jogged to her and sat next to her.

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