Chapter 12 · Rage of Lytta

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Akilles's pov

"Kill! No Alpha! Kill Ryder! Soil MY MATE!"Lazarus growled in complete anger. I could feel the rage running through my veins as I recall Willow's words.

"I thought Alpha Ryder was going to rape me again." 

Those words that repeated like a mantra in my brain. I felt guilty for leaving Willow in the hospital but I knew she would be okay with Martha.

Every other though I had was to cross the Golden Dawn's border and murdering Ryder and everyone that layed a hand on my mate. I wanted to slaughter them completely. Let them feel the pain that tormented my Willow everyday. I wanted them to feel the wrath of Lytta, god of anger.

Patrol spotted me but I stood fast not moving from my position. They growled at me threateningly but with a sharp snarl in their direction they backed down.

"Alpha, you mate needs you right now. We're at my house because Luna didn't want to stay at the hospital." Martha mindlinked me, startling me out of my thoughts. Grunting in reply, I turn around running back to my territory.

The whole way back to Martha's house, my mind was steady focused on my mate. I had to calm down so she wouldn't be scared. I just needed my mate near me and by myself.

Arriving at Martha's cottage, the door instantly opens and I walk carefully inside shifting as I see a pair of sweats and a shirt. "It should fit. Luna is in the other room resting, but if I may speak with you." Martha says softly knowing I was on edge.

"I want Luna to go to therapy. There is a human therapist that is a good co-worker of mine. I want you two to go together. But that is only a suggestion." Martha said tentatively. "I agree I'll talk with Willow in the morning about it but right now I just need to hold her." I sigh following the scent of honey and roses that was overpowered by restlessness.

Looking in the room, I find my mate laying in bed her eyes turned to the ceiling. The smell of salt perfuming the room. "My queen, my sweet Lilly." I murmur grabbing her attention. "You're back. You're really back." Willow said a soft smile on her lips.

"I'll always come back for you." I say stripping my shirt climbing into bed next to Willow. Opening my arms, I growl lightly as Willow snuggles into me. Turning on my side, I snuggle my nose in her hair as Willow melts into my chest, her leg over my hip as she tried to get as close to me as possible.

"I'm right here baby. I'm right here." I whisper to her rubbing her back.  Wrapping a arm around her waist, a small growl of pleasantness.

Closing my eyes, I hold Willow closer to me falling in slumber.



eeling something a miss, I startle awake not seeing Willow beside me. Growling, I get up before I hear a door open, turning to the sound I see Willow making me calm down. Sitting on the bed, I rub my eyes, feeling the bed dip beside me, I look seeing Willow fiddling with her fingers.

"Akilles' if you're going to reject me can you make it quick?" Willow asked sounding on the verge of tears. "I won't. What happened to you does not make you angry at you. It makes me angry that a Alpha has sullied the Alpha title with his deeds." I growl lightly grabbing her hands.


"On my life. But Martha thought it would be helpful if we go to therapy. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go?" I ask looking at her. "Yes I think it'll help....I'm sorry for freaking out yesterday." Willow whispered turning to me.

"It's fine. I shouldn't of been on top of you like I was." I say as I pull Willow closer to me.  With a small hum, Willow placed a small kiss on my cheek. "Lets go." Willow mumbled standing up leaving the room. Writing a note I let Martha know were we are before leaving the room and the cottage, I start stripping off the pants shifting back to my wolf. Seeing Willow in her wolf form her clothes in her mouth.

Nuzzleing her neck, I was stunned as Willow rubbed up against me. Willow begins running in the direction of the pack house. Following close behind her, we make it back to the pack house in almost record time. Not bothering to shift back, we go inside going straight to our room.

Shifting back to humanoid form, I throw on some shorts before going to the dresser. "Go take a shower, I can bring in your underwear." I say softly to Willow's wolf. With a nod, she walked in the bathroom closing the door behind her.

I find a matching white bra and panty set. Hearing water running, I go in the bathroom setting the underwear set down.

Leaving the bathroom, I go to the dresser getting the tiger onsie that Willow always lazed around in. Soon Lilly was exiting the bathroom. "I-I want to show you m-m-my scars." Willow said but I was already objecting. "You don't have to do that." I say. "I want to. I want you to see them." Willow whispered softly.

Nodding reluctantly, I walk to her instantly seeing scars on her thigh, that seemed more like burn marks from silver. Running my fingertips over it, I watch as Willow shivers just slightly.

"What happened here?" I ask. "I was 13 and I was caught trying to escape. Alpha dragged a silver bar across my hip as punishment." Willow said as I gazed at her hip. Moving to her back I graze the burn marks of the silver whip. "I'm ugly to look at aren't I? I'm sorry I didn't fight back." Willow whimpered. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I place small kisses on her back.

"Your beautiful Lilly. Your my beautiful melanin queen. Thesed scars don't define you. Willow your as gorgegous as when we first met." I whisper to her placing a kiss on her cheek. Letting her go I hand Lilly her tiger onsie.

"I'll be in the shower." I say looking at her as she pulled the hood of the onsie up. "Thank you Akilles' for accepting me as I am." Willow said holding my hand. "You don't have thank me mate." I smile.

With a small hesitancy, Willow's lips was on mine with search for comfort. My body seemed to move on its own accord as my lips melted into hers, my hand gripped at Willow's wild hair as I pulled her closer. Willow seemed to press closer to me, tightening my hold on her waist. I sigh in satisfaction as Willow pulls away.

Humming softly as I look at her a expression of fondness on my eyes. "We'll get through this baby. We will get through this."

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