Chapter 1 · Blotch

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Willow's pov

I sigh as I gaze in disgust at my blotched skin. My natural brown skin contrasting greatly with the light skin patches spotted on my body. I felt hideous within my own skin and it showed in the way I present myself.

My baggy clothes practically swallowing my body in them. I never wore a single tight thing unless it was underwear. I always wore long sleeve and long pants, no matter the weather, to cover up the blotches of light pink skin. 

Going to my room that simply has a bed and a few chests with my clothes and other belonging stuffed inside. Entering my bathroom, complete with a simple sink, toilet, and shower. Once my clothes were stripped off, I hop in the shower washing with my Dove Bodywash.

Rinsing off, I start washing my curly, wild hair, freeing it of tangles. Rinsing it out, I step out the shower drying off my body before blowing drying and combing my hair. Doing it in two pony tails on top my head. Putting on my underwear, I rub in my nonscented lotion into my sensitive skin. Putting on a loose sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. I slip on my old, battered trainers, I go down to the kitchen seeing the scraps from breakfast. Grumbling, I start cleaning up in silence keep my head down as the pack's 'it' girls including my sister walk past me.

"Ugh. Look at her face its so hideous make me want to vomit."

"Her mate will probably reject her on sight at that disease she has."

"Eww. I can't believe I'm related to trash like her." that one hurt the most as it came from my sister making me pause before regaining composure and continuing with my work. I heard the clicking of there high heels walking away as they snicker. Washing all the dishes, I begin my daily routine of cleaning the whole pavk house. Starting with moping then vacumming to finally making the beds.

Its grueling work that I've bden doing since I was 13 on top of going to school. It became my normal. "Maculosus puella, come to my office immeadiately." Alpha Lancaster mindlinked me just as I got down with my work for the day.

Going up to his office, I knock before entering. Lowering my eyes in respect, I listen intently as Alpha starts speaking. "I will be having guests from the Black Bull pack tomorrow I would like for five rooms to be set up as required in the guest wing." he said his voice making me fidget in place as I nod.

"Good, hey maybe your mate will come tomorrow but me and you both know you mate won't want you? Right." Alpha Lancaster joked chuckling as he spoke.

"Yes, Alpha." I say methodically without any emotion though it chipped at my already broken heart. "Your dismissed maculosus
 puella." He said as I left his office. Going to the guest hall, I quickly make up the five rooms before leaving the pack house venturing off to the forest, my only sanctuary.

Coming to the meadow full of daisy, tulips, and poppy flowers covered the soft green. Stripping my clothes I quickly shift to my wolf. Walking over to a small pond I stare at my reflection. My fur what a silvery gray with black spots covering my legs back and around my snout.

Walking away from the water I start running in a random directions. I smile inwardly as I continue running dodgying the tree branches and jumping fallen trees. Stopping just short of the border into no man's land.

For years I've always came here. When I was tired of being mistreated and verbally and mentally abused. Did I want to leave the pack? Yes. Did I dream of a better life? Hell yes.  But what held me back from crossing into no man's land and severing the pack bond was the what ifs. What if one day the pack is overcome with guilt for how they treated me? What if my mate comes and actually wants me? What if I can finally have a relationship with my family without there being problems?

What if people start accepting my skin condition as a part of myself? It's just so many answers and I truly feel as if something will happen tomorrow. The hope of a savoir from this place kindles in me but I don't want to jinx it as I need to play it smart and expect the worst.

Dashing through the woods, back to the meadow, stopping on the way I catch a small rabbit to sustain myself for the time being. Shifting back I put on my clothes before walking back to the pack house. Humming a small song as I went, I couldn't feel the changing winds of fate. Nor did I hear the soft angelic singing of the master of my destiny.

But with my kind of luck. I have given up on fate, on destiny. I have given up on having faith in the moon godess. She has cursed me with vitiligo. She has cursed me with the nickname maculosus puella or spotted girl. The moon goddess is no goddess of mine, she is no ruler of mine.

"Something is happening tomorrow. I can sense it." Reign, my wolf, quipped up making her presence known.

"I hope it will be good but it probably won't be. She cursed us as soon as we were born " I reply huffing silently as I walk not paying attention as I walk into my brother. "Excuse me." I mumble before attempting to walk away. Feeling him grab my wrist, I stop not looking at him. "Can we talk?" He said softly. Not giving him a answer, he simply drags me back to the forest far enough for people not to hear but close enough to see people going about their day. "How are you...Willow?" My brother, Micah asked softly looking at me with a expression I couldn't place. I stay silent not understanding why he wanted to talk to me now of all reasons. He's seen me being verbally and mentally abused by everyone in the pack house but he's only now talking to me. "I know. We haven't talked alot if at all. I just want you to know I get it. Being bullied, I get it. I'm here if you ever need to talk you know." Micah declared as if he were some great person and brother. "Why are you talking to me now? It's too late the damage is done....You don't get it. How it feels to be ridiculed, abandoned, and tossed aside like a rag doll because of something I can't control? You never had to experience the pain of the only family you have despising you because of the loss of skin color. So no I will not turn to you or anyone with my inner problems because you wont understand." I growl out lowly making Micah look down as he knew what I was saying was the truth.

Walking away, I go inside the pack house and go straight to my room. Once removing my bra and pants I lay in my bed my inner wolf growling in anher towards our supposed 'brother'

"After all these years of torment, he just now talks to us. When we needed him, he avoided us. When I called out to his wolf, he blocked me out. He is a coward both him and his wolf just watching drom afar as we are tormented. They are not brothers of mine." Reign growled as she started pacing in my mind. Not bothering to reply, because I know its true. Turning over facing away from my window that displayed the full moon as if it were on a stage.

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