chosen by God

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Pain,numbness, dissyness and finally blackness

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Pain,numbness, dissyness and finally blackness. These were the things you experienced as you felt yourself slowly being thrown around in the backseat of a car.

Honey,you should go to the party you haven't been out for months. You hated being around people and parties were the worst. But seeing your moms worried eyes and genuine smile you sunk in.

Now as you take your finally breaths all you could think about was climbing into the car. You were never friends with them, why did you trust them to take you home.With vision blurred and the sound of sirens your head leans back and eyes close.

"Stay with me" a faint voice says but you're to weak to open your eyes. "Blood loss, fracture to the left arm and ankle-" you're knocked out again and it makes your feel as if you're on a terrible rollercoaster.

Beep.Beep.Beep the sound somehow soothes you and you stay still for a moment capturing it before opening your eyes and squinting at the light. You're on a bed, specifically a hospital bed with wires sticking out everywhere and an brace on your arm and ankle. "That the hell" you whisper your voice raspy.

A few seconds later 2 men walk in and examine you. "Ma'am we're the FBI do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" You nod staring at the door as another man in a trench coat walks in. He looks at you curiously before turning to the boys though they don't notice his presence yet. Your head spins as you try focus on the men in front of you.

"Can I ask what happened to my friends?" You whisper afraid of the answer after the boys are done with the questions. "I'm sorry y/n they didn't make it" the man finally speaks walking over towards you, the 2 FBI stare at him shocked as he places 2 fingers on your forehead. "What are you- woah" you instantly feel better and he leans back now looking as the boys. "She's healed".


So turns out they're not FBI and the trenchcoat man isn't human. "Can I ask why you uh did what you did?" You turn to face the man as Dean drives to where ever all of you are headed. "You were chosen y/n." He smiles. "I was sent to protect you, you're a one of a kind prophet." You stare questionably at him but before you can answer Dean stops the car and Sam helps you out. "Welcome to the bunker" Sam turns to open the door and you gasp bewildered at the interior. It looks to different from the outside.

"Uh I'll take you to the bathroom so you can freshen up and I'll being some clothes" you turn to face Sam and the angel before following Dean up the stairs.

He shows you a bit of the upstairs before leaving you in the bathroom. "Thank you Dean." You turn from the plaid top in your hands to the man. He smiles slightly before closing the door allowing you some privacy.

You take a quick relaxing shower before putting the clothes he offers on. You stare at the mirror as you button up the top, only now noticing a small black line starting from your shoulder and you curiously slide the top off slightly, turning to see that your back is filled with these black patterns. You gasp as the glow a faint blue before disappearing, what is wrong with me. Am I dreaming?

You hurry down the stairs before meeting the boys in the library, they stare at you wondering why you're in such a hurry. "Uh you deal with weird things right. Like supernatural." You play with your hands as Sam nods. "Can you explain this" you pull a piece of the plaid top away to show the small black line on your collar bone. Sam gets up and walks over to you to examine it. "I've never seen anything quite like it" , he asks you permission before slowly caressing the line. "Does it lead to your back" he looks up at you and you nod still shocked by this.

Dean gets up this time before politely asking if you take the top off. You nod turning as you take the top off and you swore you hear the 2 boys gasp. Black lines swirled around your back ending at your lower back making patterns on your skin. Sam touches one before giving Dean a confused look. Dean on the other hand stares at your back shocked he's never seen anything like it.

"Cas you have any idea what this is" Dean turns to meet the gaze of the angel. Cas nods sadly before walking over. The mark's light up faintly and Cas stops as the boys hold scared and confused looks. "Y/n do you mind if I touch them" you turn to look an him before muttering a yes. He walks over cautiously before laying his hand on your back. The lines immediately brighten to a blue and you can feel a weird energy pulsing through you.

Cas steps back a little frightened. "Cas you ok?" Sam stares at the angel, confused of  Cas' sudden change. "She's protected" he huffs positively as you turn around confused. "I never thought it was true, but now seeing it with my own eyes..." Cas trails off now facing you. "It's a protective God". You gasp and the boys hold shocked expressions, Cas on the other hand smiles at you. "So what does that mean?" Dean blinks before rubbing his chin trying to get myself together again. "It means she's protected from every supernatural creature in existance" Cas answers as you place the top on once more.

"But how I'm just some wimp" you laugh off the nerves. "But to Him your not" Sam looks at you with pitty in his eyes. "Why did she glow".

"Because I'm here. It's a signal of a supernatural being near by. The only reason I could touch it was because i asked for concent, if she said no I would've been obliverated." Cas mumbles the last part and you gasp again. "I need a beer" Dean mumbles heading to the kitchen. "Can you get one for me to please" you blink trying to take in all the information.

"There's only been one of you in the world y/n. You're the second one to ever be marked."

"I don't get it, I'm just your average girl. I-I can't be this" you sit down as Sam frowns offering you an encouraging shoulder squeeze. "He often does that. He sees potential in you y/n. That mark is now your protection, it can protect you from celestials as high as Michael or demons like Asmodeus".

"You mean the archangel" your eyes light up astonished as Dean hands you a beer before taking a seat. Cas nods before joining you at the table.

A few hours past and by now your nerves have subsided and you learned to like Cas and the Winchester boys. They were like family you'd never known.

You nuzzle up in the couch wrapped in all the blankets you could find around the bunker before turning your gaze to the TV.
"Will she be alright?" Sam questions from the corridor as the 3 stare at you who lay on the couch comfortably watching some movie.

"She'll be fine, she'll just have to stay here a bit that's all." Dean pats Sam on the back though he doesn't really know himself.
"I'll have to return home to do some research on this and ask the others if they know anything about this. I'll be back in a few days." The boys nod as Cas checks on you one last time before zapping out.

"C'mon you're missing the movie Sammy" Dean smirks taking a seat next to you as Sam rolls his eyes plunging onto the other couch.

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