no, not yet (sister)

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(just pretend it's like season 1 and they haven't encountered any Angel's yet)

It had been a gruesome fight you and your brothers had. "Sam watch out" you screamed protecting Sam from the monster before the knife stabbed you. You were silent as you dropped to your knees. The monster was killed instantly by Dean, but you didn't care. Your mind stopped, you could see Dean shut but heard nothing. Sam just stood infront of you shocked almost about to faint. "Am I gonna d-" you chocked out holding the place you where stabbed.

"No dont say that" Dean said at your side. Dean had always been overprotective over you, you where his baby, his world, his everything. He shed some tears as you leaned in him. He rested his chin on your head as he let his tears fall. "Your not gonna die you hear me" he shouted over and over again almost to himself. You where all he had when Sam left for college. "I'm not gonna die" you croaked out now shaking from the pained wound. "C'mon princess" he croaked out taking you and carrying you bridal style to the car. Sam never dared to say a word, you where his sister. He was supposed to protect you, but he let you down.

"Sammy its ok" you where in the backseat with Sam holding his arm as he held your wound. He looked up like you knew what was on his mind. You smiles and weakly rubbed some tears under his eyes. "Please don't go" he finally spoke. You winced in pain. Dean drove faster, almost at the hospital he repeated looking in the mirror at the only family he had left. You rested your head on his shoulder now and he held you like his life depended on it. You closed your eyes as you took slow breaths. "No- Dean hurry" he shouted now sobbing.

He was now the one to carry you inside, he never let the memory of your face the day he went to Stanford leave his mind. It was his burden after all. "Help somebody she's been stabbed" Dean shouted almost out of anger. They quickly played her down and rushed her into theater for an emergency operation. All that was left with the brothers was your blood all over their clothes. They followed you but where stopped by some nurses. "Sir you can't come here" they pushed they brothers back. "You don't understand that's my sister" Dean shouted angerky at the male nurses.

One of the nurses grabbed Dean bu the jacket and that was it. Dean threw punches and the nurse but Sam was the one to hold him back. "Your sike you know" the nurse said holding his bloodied nose. "She better be I've or I'll kill you good this time" he stated staring at the man. "C'mon Dean all we can go is wait" Sam whispered letting do of his jacket. Dean scared stated crying again, he hugged Sam like he was the world and a shocked Sam hugged back. "I can't lose her man. She's my everything" Dean admitted into Sam's shoulder."she's the world Dean." Sam replied. 

Since Cas was missing the brothers did everything they could to get him so come. To come save you. Dean now pale from not eating slouched in his seat. "C'mon Dean you have to eat" Sam insisted it had been about 5 hours now since they came to the hospital. You where out of theater and they were allowed to see you,well what was left. "I'll eat when she's here" Dean said now staring at your almost lifeless body in the hospital bed.

Sam looked at your pale face,through all the tubes,cuts and bruises you still looked like an angel to him. Truth is he never ate anything either, his stomach was knotted with disgust. If he didn't just mind where he looked you would still be here. It was his fault. The doctors had said they did everything but it was up to you to wake up.

Dean got out the chair and reached for your cold hand. "I read somewhere that people can still hear when they're in comas. I-" his voice cracked. "Y/n please come back" he whispered now looking down. Sam touched his shoulder. "Your the world y/n" Sam finally spoke. "Truth is you saved me. In college I was....depressed y/n i had that razor in my hand the nigh you phoned. Without that phone call I wouldn't be here" Sam started shaking,Dean froze this was new information to him. "Y/n I promised to take care of you and I failed. You have to fight it,wake up...please" Dean was at Sam's side in an instance holding him in a tight embrace.

An hour later they were still there, not daring to leave the room even if doctors instructed it. A unfamiliar doctor walked in with a clipboard, he had a type on 90's outfit on. He didn't speak only looked at y/n almost sadly. He then turned to Dean then a sleeping Sam on the coach and smiled. He put the notebook down then walked to the side of your bed. He held out his hand and reached for your forehead, touching it for a minute.

Like taking a temperature. Dean stayed put for some odd reason he felt this person to be something like comfort and peace. "She's be alright" he said to Dean, he had no nametag on when Dean looked. "Maybe wake up in an 1 or so" he proceeded. He smiled once more to Dean before walking out. "Wait who are you" Dean said, he felt oddly different to the other doctors.

The man turned to look at the pale and teary eyed boy. "I'm archangel f/a (fav angel),y/n's guardian." He spoke peacefully. Dean had never believed in God or other celestials. The man turned and in a blink of an eye disappeared. But from that day on, when you finally awoke, he believed.

I don't feel like editing this rn, but I'll go over soon to check for spelling mistakes. I somehow really enjoyed this cute imagine.

Love y'all ;)

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