Doggy cuddels (Dean)

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Based on the episode Dean turns into a dog

"Who's a good boy. Yes you are" the German Shepard happily whines at your comment before leaning his head onto your lap.

You're left in a fit of giggles and eventually lean back on the bed continuing to play with the cutie. A low growl is heard from the other side of the room from your so called boyfriend.

"Dude seriously" Sam's eyes shone with a troubled look, Dean to occupied to even realise.

It had been a few hours since Dean had accidently turned into a dog and let's say things where strange. You decided to leave the boys to work this case alone incase you interrupted. So you spent your time playing with Colonal.

"What!" Dean snapped back not daring to move his eyes from you. "Dean it's a dog".

"Wanna go for a walk?" Dean jolts up excitedly as you make your way with Colonal to the door. "Uh... wanna come with?" Dean's up and  at the door in seconds leaving Sam with a confused look on his face. "I'll come to ,just to make sure-" Sam points to Dean to your understanding.

"I love the park" you smile looking at the various people talkjng, playing with their dogs and some even gyming on the side. "Who doesn't" Dean says eyes dased on a ball a man had thrown to his dog. "Wanna play fet-". "YES" Sam's stared at him. "Oh you meant the dog...ok" Dean uncomfortably makes his way to the park bench.

"Hey, don't be so jealous. I promise she won't leave you" Sam smiles  looking at you laughing on the ground with Colonal now licking your face. Dean mutters something clutching his pants trying to calm himself from exploding. "When does this friggin thing wear off". You make your way back to the boys smiling.

Dean immediately gets up and hugs you. Taken a back by this sudden gesture ,you exchange a bewildered look with Sam and soon hug the hunter/dog back. You could've sworn you heard Dean whine happily before standing back. "Well I'm hungry".

Soon after grabbing supper you all tiredly head back to the hotel room. "Wanna watch a movie?" you suggest, the boys had completed the hunt but the spell hadn't worn off yet. So to save time you decided why not watch something.

You make it to the coach first plopping in the centre before calling Colonal to join you.
This was the last day he would be with you before going off to a new home.Dean stares at you admiring the dog before sitting down in the furthest chair with a huff.

No squeaky toy could fix the poor unhappy doggy. You look up to see Dean playing with his fingers whimpering to himself. You had totally forgotten he had turned into a dog, babysitting was hard.

"Dean c'mon" you pat the sofa next to you. He looks up. "I haven't spent time with you the whole day....I give good belly rubs. Plus I missed my little pup." With a small howl Dean's up and next to you in an instant. He gently snuzzels into you playfully while you laugh. "Who's a good boy". "I am". Sam shortly follows placing the popcorn down before putting the movie on.

You lean your head on Dean's shoulder your legs on the side of Colonal. You somehow end up playing with Dean's hair and he doesn't seem to mind, he whines loving it. You laugh kissing his cheek before focusing back on the tv.

Shortly after everyone but Sam is still awake. He waits till the end of the movie before heading to look for a blanket to drape over the girl and 2 dogs. He returns smiling to himself at the scene infront of him. You had snuggled yourself into Dean after him protesting that he wanted to sleep beside you incase any creature came.

His arms were around you protectively his head leaning on yours. Each of you had your legs next to Colonal who was letting out small snores. Sam draped the blanket over you before switching all appliances off. "I can't believe my brother was jealous over a dog" he mutters to himself falling onto the bed.


It was the day Colonal was leaving.
Dean walks Colonal off to the owners sad his 'best friend' had to leave, but he knew this was best for the German Shepard. You stayed back fighting off tears looking at him go."it's for the best" Sam side hugs you turning his attention back to Dean and Colonal.  "I never thought I'd see my boyfriend talk to a dog" you say now looking at Dean who seems to be having a good conversation with the Shepard. "Never thought he'd turn into one" you both laugh.

"She's a keeper" Dean turns to follow the dog's stare. He smiles when he sees you and Sam laughing. "She is isn't she". "Well I guess this is goodbye then". They carry on talking before Sam and you come over saying your goodbyes. "Best doggo you are" you say stroking his face. "Hell yeah I am".

You stand hugging Dean as you watch the owners get into the car,soon driving off to a new start. Colonal's in the back head hanging out the window. You smile cheesily.
"Hey tell y/n she gave the best belly rubs". "Will do".

Bark.bark, that's all you hear."What'd he say" you ask looking up into those gorgeous green eyes. "You gave the best belly rubs".
"And also tell Sam that I bark bark".
"No" Dean says. "It had to wear off now" you laugh before pecking him on the lips. "Well imma need more of that suga" Dean smirks leaning down for a longer one. "Errr" is heard in the backround before the sound of a door closing.

I loved that episode sm.
Thanks for reading

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