chapter thirty | soulmate

Start from the beginning

"Rye! Andy! You came!" she greeted enthusiastically.

"Hey Kylie," I smiled, lightly hugging her. 

"Look at you guys," she breathed in awe, referring to Rye's arm firmly around my waist, "I'm so happy you made it to this point."

"Yeah, who'd have thought?" Rye grinned sheepishly. 

"I know, right?" Kylie agreed, reddening slightly, "Hey, you guys should meet someone. Sunny, these are my friends, Rye and Andy."

A pretty curly-haired girl with a nose ring turned around and shook each of our hands, throwing an arm around Kylie.

"Nice to meet you two," Sunny said pleasantly, a knowing glint in her eyes. 

"Hey Kylie," I began, needing to get one final thing off my chest, "I just wanted to apologise for the last time... I didn't know what was going on and I jumped to some conclusions-"

"Andy, it's fine," she cut me off, "believe me, all of it's fine. It really all worked out for the better."

"Yeah, I believe I have you two to thank," Sunny added, squeezing Kylie's waist and kissing her on the cheek. The two of them laughed as Rye and I's eyes both widened slightly. 

"Think you're the only one who can pull that move, Beaumont?" Kylie teased, thrusting us back out towards the throng of the party. 

 We found the boys again and resumed our high spirited dancing. As the night wore on, the vibe mellowed until I was perfectly entranced by the feeling of the beat guiding me and hands all over me. 

A pair of lips were on my neck, causing me to sigh and catch my lip in my teeth. The body attached to the lips pushed up against me, unmistakably Rye, and I tugged him in closer, the feeling of him against me ratcheting up the already heightened sensations I was experiencing. We found each other in a desperate, passionate kiss. 

All those parties, all those hook ups, and finally now, he was the one I was with. His arms around me, his lips hungrily moving against mine, his arousal pressed into me. Through twists and turns that had left us lost,  and over steep inclines I have never thought I could summit, we had found our way to each other. 

Fuck, he tasted so good.


Home. Somehow, we made it, the five of us collapsing in a heap onto the living room floor. A few final tipsy giggles escaped us as the day finally caught up with our tired bodies. I snuggled up to my friends, feeling someone's hand stroking my hair and another arm laid across my stomach. 

This was my family, no matter where life took each of us, we had a bond that would never break. 

"I love you boys," Brook stated cheesily, causing me to notice he was the one to my side with an arm over me. From my other side I saw Rye lean over and ruffle Brook's hair.

"We love you too, you little nutter," Rye said affectionately. 

I looked at Brook's content little smiling face, cooing internally when I saw Jack's arm snake around behind him and pull him closer, placing a soft kiss on the back of his neck. A bold look in his eye, Brook turned away from me and started kissing Jack sweetly. Jack froze at first but then gave in, cupping Brook's face in his hand and relaxing lazily into the kiss. 

"Wahey!" Rye remarked teasingly, leaning into me as I smiled, beaming with pride.

"Aw," Mikey hummed from behind us, "wait... I really am the lone wolf. No- don't you two start as well!" he pried my face away from Rye's causing me to whine and then laugh. 

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